Teach English in Yuandun Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuandun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The word motivation is defined as the forces that account for the arousal, selection, direction, and continuation of behavior. It can be also said that motivation is goal directed behavior. Motivation has been a major problem for most teachers of English as a second language (ESL). It is one of the most important factor in ESL/EFL classroom as most of the students have low motivation to learn English. Besides that they are not sure of whether English will be useful for them in the future , or not. "Student motivation is influenced by both the internal and external factors that can start, sustain , intensify, or discourage behavior" (Reeve, 1996). It is important that the teacher activate these motivational components in the students by many ways. One of successful ways if the teacher is skillful enough to motivate his/ her students to participate in the lesson is to use "pair work" or "group work". Language is learned best when students work in pair or group in this way student exchange their ideas while performing the task thus making the task more interesting. It is important that teacher try and maximize eye contact as much as possible. Both teacher to student , and student to student. While delivering the lesson if teacher fails to make eye contact with class students will drop their interest. Hence, seating arrangement is crucial element in the success or failure of the lesson. Make sure that students are seated at a comfortable distance from each other. It is always asked whether to correct errors whenever they occur. The answer to that is if teacher will correct students error at every point , and leaving no room for errors to take place this will lead to gap of communication, and student will feel reluctant to participate. Thus, teachers must be aware of how and when to correct students errors without humiliation. Role play is another technique teachers are suggested to use in order to motivate their students, and to help the less motivated learner to participate in the lesson. Role play activities such as dramatizing doctor and patient conversation etc. Using real objects (relia) and flashcards are considered as important tools in teaching English as a foreign language. They act as a facilitator in teaching new vocabularies such as fruit, vegetables, clothes etc. Besides, they are very helpful in drawing beginners attention to learn new items. In addition, relia is an authentic material that helps the teacher to overcome classroom artificiality. Creating stories with the students is another way of motivating students to develop speaking and writing skills. Teachers can also incorporate songs in the lesson in different ways for teaching grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary because students likes songs and they motivate the students to learn English in an interesting way. Students may write how song make them feel, then they draw the pictures of their feeling while listening to the song. Teacher must fully utilize the resources schools are equipped equipped. Not all, but mostly schools are equipped with audio visual materials such as cassettes, videos, over head projector (OHP), computer and many more teachers should use all the materials when teaching. Infact, they should include appropriate material while lesson planning. In nutshell,it is very important teacher use appropriate techniques during lesson in order to motivate the students. Higher the level of motivation, higher the success of class.