Teach English in Yuanba Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuanba Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

With the development of economy and technology, more and more people come to realise that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent. So we have a global language –English. It’s more and more useful for our learning, life, trade and so on. But we still have a lot of problems with English learning. 1.Pay over attention on test result. People focus more on the examination-oriented education in China. Parents and teachers care more about the grade. So they are deeply concerned on speech sound, grammar, and vocabulary, but they ignore the expression skills, description skills and logical ability of the students. The teacher’s cognitive ability is higher than the students, so the students just can be passive learning in the class not active learning. That made students unable to study as they would like to study. 2. Lack of language environment. Language environment is very important for the students. But some teachers use Chinese (native language) to explain English at the class in order to make students more understand it. Students look more better to absorption of knowledge by this way, and actually they’re far away from the English environment. It's seriously overlooked the importance of the reading and communication. 3. Single method of teaching. Teaching is still based on traditional teaching at school, mainly consisting of teachers to teach them by face-to-face. And the teaching pattern also very boring. It’s very less to design “Boomerang” or “Patchwork” sequence of the lesson. Most of classes are designed to be “Straight Arrow” lesson. Other classes lack of the engagement part of the class, which make students very nervous in the class. The Activate part is minimal in all the lessons, so it’s very hard to improve fluency and accuracy of their English. 4. Can't insist on learning. Because of some problems such as: lack of language environment, single method of teaching, and paying too much attention on test results, students always lose interested in learning of English and leads to students not being able to actively learn. It’s very easy for them to think about giving up learning when they meet some difficulties in English. They don’t want to solve the problems by themselves. They will feel very sad, upset ,depressed, and unconfident for learning of English. Then they will be tired of it and not wanting to learn it. They will stop learning, and meet more problems than now. After that will become a bad loop. What should we do for Chinese students? We must think about it. More and more parents care about their kid’s studies. So how to make kids learn better English is a huge problem for teachers and parents. First, we should give more English environment, don’t speak Chinese (native language) to explain for the students, we can use body language, multimedia, story, and so on to make them think about it. Second, the class must start engaging more in order to make them relax and interested in the topic, all the engage part, don’t say say the kid is incorrect, that will make kids afraid to talk in the class. And the class should end by activating, that can make students practice more times and improve the fluency and accuracy of the language. Active learning can use role-play, surveys, and mill-drills, producing materials, communication games, debate, and story building. The study part can include: Elicitation, pronunciation, spelling, meaning, word order, and analysis. Third, we should pay more attention about active learning. We should let them to consider by themselves .at the beginning of the class, we can let students find the topic by themselves, what we will talk today. Then we can do some study let them to say the aim language, and try to use it in the familiar context. Teachers should encourage more when students are doing active learning. Finally, it’s most important to assess student’s all the time. When they come, they need placement tests to make sure a level where the student is not so capable. Then they need progress test .These tests are useful to let teachers and students know what language has been forgotten and what language has been remembered or acquired. And they also need diagnostic tests to see what the students already know, and to help the teacher to prepare lessons and materials that will enable students to work on the area of difficulty identified by the test.