Teach English in Yangpingguan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangpingguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is safe to say that the students' lifestyle and attitude in class had changed throughout the years. When technology hasn't taken over the world yet, a lot of the students rely mostly on books and newspapers and old encyclopedias etc. These days everyone can learn with the use of internet and now we can find almost everything online. Because of this major development and progress of technology, teachers and students have found more different ways on teaching and learning. Sometimes it becomes too much especially when we depend just mostly on internet. Throughout the years we have developed a different kind of mentality in approaching things or situation. We are not the same as what we were 20 years ago. Many things have changed - like the people's way of thinking, our principles and how we see and understand things. Pretty much all those things that have been mentioned plays a big role on the importance of classroom management. Teachers need to fully understand that students nowadays are completely different, can be too independent in their own ways, and have different needs. Being a teacher doesn't only require someone to be knowledgeable and patient, it also requires someone to have that discipline - a vital trait of being a teacher. You are the teacher so you must gain the trust and respect of your students. Teachers manage the class, they ensure that everything is in order. They are the ones that discipline or correct the students. It is why being a good example to the students is important too. But what about managing the class? Nowadays we see all types of students: from those shy and quiet ones to the chaotic and noisy ones. We have a broad kind of students now. We can tell which students are interested and which aren't. We can tell each student's strengths and weaknesses. But before we even get to that stage of knowing the students well, teachers should put a lot of effort in showing enthusiasm and getting to know his students. The truth of the matter is not all your students will like you, not everyone will be interested, not everyone is eager to learn, not everyone feels happy to start the class. And because of these, teachers tend to feel demotivated teaching sometimes. But regardless of how the students feel towards the teacher, it shouldn't be a hindrance to becoming a more efficient teacher. Handling these kind of problems sometimes can be tiring but the teacher will always be in-charge. Discipline and respect must been seen from you. A disorganized classroom with no set of activities, routines plus the chaotic students makes the job harder for the teacher. The more the teacher spends his time handling behavioral problems in the class, the more time he loses to teach. Time management also plays a big factor in the classroom management. That is why planning ahead of time is very important. We may not follow our lesson plans precisely but it surely helps the teachers in preparing for the class. Without classroom management, there wouldn't be a system where students would follow throughout the school year. It is also important that teachers set a list or rules and regulations inside the classroom. In this way teachers can be firm to the students as long as it's reasonable. We also have to consider a lot of things when we set the rules for class. For instance, the age group of your students plays a big role on determining what kind of behavior they will most likely show. Naturally the younger your students are, the more playful and childish they will be. Some teachers take the big step and show a friendlier side of them because this helps the student gain more trust towards the teacher. For instance if a student is having some family or personal problem teachers can also help, give some life lessons and advice that will help the student stay motivated in class. In this way, you gain their trust and respect. How you handle your students throughout the school year will show your effectiveness and efficiency in being a teacher. If your students never liked you or never got interested in your lessons then you are doing something wrong. Remember you are the teacher, you are in-charge of the students, you help them grow and understand the world we are moving in. Teachers should have the ability to be consistent too once they set all these rules and regulations. Showing consistency will lead to a more disciplined class because your students will know what to expect and what might be the consequences for misbehaving. At the end of the day, the teacher shows more efficiency in teaching if everything is organized and every students pay attention. Proper classroom management is important because this will play a big factor for students' learning experience, effective classroom management can also lead to growth and maturity of students in time.