Teach English in Yangjiahe Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangjiahe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The reason why I chose Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) for my Summative Task, is I found it to be very logical and successful in teaching a class. Not only can it be used in teaching English as a second language, it also should be implied in any teaching subject. Any teacher can be successful in their students' learning if they were to apply and review this to every lesson plan. The Engage Phase is usually looked over or missed by most teachers. It is natural for someone to want to start with the lesson Study Phase, especially when working with time management. Although, if the students are not in the mood or mindset for learning that specific subject, than the Study Phase can become inefficient. The Engage Phase allows the teacher to get the students motivated and engaged in learning. The activity should match what is to be taught for the lesson that day, however no new learning material shall be presented during this phase. The Study Phase is the most important, however most challenging, of the phases. It needs to be planned out very carefully before the class and many things need to be considered. Such as, meets the students' correct language level; topic of the lesson and students' interest; what the teacher wants the students to know by the end of the lesson; and how to imply sentence structures, language usage, and worksheets that meet the right criteria. The Study Phase can become boring to the students, therefor, all things need to be carefully planned and considered, while still having a back up plan if one of the learning task is not to be worked out successfully. The Activate Phase is the most fun, both for the teacher and students. It takes the mind from the heavy exhaustion of retaining information while in the Study Phase and implies the recently learned information into a game that any and all students should enjoy. The difficulty of this phase is making the activity intriguing for all the students in the classroom. Similar to the two precious phases, the Activate Phase activity needs to be carefully thought through and considered. It must always follow up from the Study Phase, using the grammar points and topic studied for that lesson. Also, knowledge of the students' language level is important, as to not to make an activity that would be too hard to activate for the majority of the students. The activity should be fun, but still a little challenging to keep the students interested and allow the higher level students not become bored of the task work given. The transaction between these phases should be smooth and hardly noticeable. The teacher must understand the material, grammar points, and topic being taught for each lesson, in order for a proper lesson plan to be created and activated during the class time. If one of these three lesson planning points was to be forgotten, it could cause an ineffective class learning material. The order of the phases is important. The lesson must begin with the Engage Phase and end with the Activate Phase, with the Study Phase somewhere in between. Whether there is more than one Engage or Activate Phase in the lesson plan, it is not important as to how many is phases there are, as long as, the learning topic is executed and completed. All teachers should imply an ESA structured lesson plan to get the best out of their teaching ability and their students' knowledge.