Teach English in Xinjiezi Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

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Theme: Valentine's Day Goal: Students will engage in spelling, grammar, and pronunciation and learn about Valentine's Day as an American celebration Class Level: Intermediate to Advanced Materials: Valentine's Day worksheet ("Eliciting Vocabulary A-Z"), a stick, some paper and pens (for mustache activity), MadLibs worksheet with theme of Valentine's Day, markers/crayons, newspapers/magazines, glue Engage 1: Popcorn! Prompt a discussion with the students regarding Valentine's Day via the stand-up, sit-down (popcorn) method. Purpose: Practice active listening, comprehension, and speaking. Inspire students through movement. 1. What are Americans celebrating during Valentine's Day? Stand up if you think it's hate. (Students then sit down). Stand up if you think they celebrate love. (Call on a student to answer: Love! and reveal with a picture of two people hugging). 2. What day is Valentine's Day? Stand up if you think it's February 24th. (Students then sit down). Stand up if you think it's February 14th. (Students then sit down). (Call on a student to answer: FEBRUARY 14TH! and reveal with a calendar with the date February 14th circled) 3. What color is most associated with Valentine's Day? Stand up if you think it's orange. (Sit down). Stand up if you think it's red. (sit down) (Call on a student to answer: RED! and reveal with a red-colored card) 4. What shape is most often associated with Valentine's Day? Stand up if you think it's a heart (sit down). Stand up if you think it's a circle (sit down). (Call on a student to answer: HEART! and reveal with a cut out heart) 5. Which candy is MORE associated with Valentine's Day? Stand up if you think it's chocolate (sit down). Stand up if you think it's candy canes. (sit down). (Call on a student to answer: CHOCOLATE! and reveal with a heart-shaped box of chocolates to be handed out at the end of class). 6. Which saint is Valentine's Day named after? Stand up if you think it is the Argentinian Priest St. Valentine. (sit down). Stand up if you think it is the Roman Priest St. Valentine. (Call on a student to answer: ROMAN! and reveal with a picture of the Roman priest St. Valentine.) Study 1: Valentine's Day Tongue Twisters! Teacher writes each tongue twister on the board one at a time. Teacher has the class repeat as a chorus, then individually. Gradually have them increase their speaking speed. The goal is to get them tongue-tied and increase laughter among students! Purpose: Practice pronunciation and phonetics. Teach students how to form specific vowels and consonants when speaking. Improve group cohesion through tongue twisters and laughter. Sample Tongue Twisters: King Kong kissed Queen Kate. Six lovesick swans swim. Swim, swans, swim! Well swum, swans! I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau. Study 2: Our Valentine's Day Alphabet: Vocabulary Group Work! In groups of 4, using the Valentine's Day worksheet handout, elicit Vocabulary with a Valentine's Day theme. Each group of students comes up with one vocabulary word for each letter of the alphabet. At the end of this activity, each student will elect a leader of their group who will do an echo and response: He will say the word once and the class will repeat it as a chorus. If the class seems ready, the teacher can call on students individually and in random order to repeat each word. Purpose: Learn new vocabulary words. Practice how to write, spell, and speak new words. Sample Vocabulary Worksheet and Words: A- Affection, Angel, Attraction B- Boyfriend, Beautiful C- Candy, Casanova, Cards D- Dear, Darling, Dove, Don Juan, Devotion E. Emotion, Embrace, Endear F- Flowers, Fiancee, Flirt, Friendship G- Girlfriend, Gifts, H- Heart, Heartbreaker, Heartache, heartfelt (introduce concept of compound words), hugs I- Idol, idolize, infatuation J- Joy, jewelry K- Kiss, Kisses, Karma L- Love, lover, lovesick, like M- Marriage, Marry, matchmaker N- Nurture, O- One-and-Only, P- Passion, precious, presents, perfume, plants, poem Q- Queen, quality, quaint R- Restaurant, Romeo, Red, Romance, romantic, Remembrance S- Sweetheart, special, surprise T- Truelove, tender, tempting U- Us, unique V- Valentine W- Warmth, woo X- ? Y- Youth, Yearn Z-Zest Activate 1: Pass the Mustache! Prior to class, the teacher cuts out a mustache and tapes it to a stick to be passed around the class. The student who is holding the mustache under their nose has the opportunity to ask their classmate a question using the format: "(John), I MUSTACHE you a question. I mean, I MUST ASK you a question. What is you favorite Valentine's Day gift?" The students take turns passing the mustache, asking and answering questions using this format to decipher between MUSTACHE and MUST ASK. Questions should try to stick to the theme of Valentine's Day such as: 1. What's your favorite thing to do on Valentine's Day? 2. Do you like Valentine's Day? 3. What food(s) do you eat on Valentine's Day? 4. Have you ever made a Valentine's Day card? 5. Where have you gone on Valentine's Day? 6. What do you do on Valentine's Day? 7. What gifts do you receive on Valentine's Day? 8. What gifts have you received from someone else on Valentine's Day? NOTE: The teacher may need to write possible questions and answers on the board to help prompt students in case they get stuck. For example: What gifts do you receive on Valentine's Day? Chocolate, a Valentine's Day Card, a bottle of wine (for adults), a teddy bear, etc. Purpose: To improve pronunciation, speaking abilities, improve vocabulary, and grammar. Engage 2: MadLibs Valentine's Day Style! Have students form a circle and hand out the MadLibs worksheet. Instruct them to fill in the blank using the prompts given on the worksheet (adjective, verb, body part etc.). Next, instruct them to hide what they wrote by folding the paper back. Note that the teacher must create the worksheet so that the students are able to fold the paper back and hide their words. Then, have students pass the paper clock-wise. Once the student receives their original paper back, have volunteer students read their non-sense funny story to make the class laugh! Sample MadLibs Valentine's Day Worksheet: Your (single body part-ex. heart, ear, toe etc.) is like a (list an animal)'s So (adjective-stinky, hairy, lovely), (list a color), and strong Your (plural body part-fingers,noses, hairs) are my one desire I could (action word-french kiss, punch, grab) them all day long My (singular noun-hair, chalice, baby bottle) is yours forever My (singular noun) and (singular noun), too When we (activity-unplug the tv, read, play poker) together It's like I'm a part of you I can't get by without you Your (Singular noun-Donald Trump) makes me high You make me (verb and verb-juggle, paint my nails, laugh, sing at the top of my lungs) But you never make me cry So, (silly nickname-Bunny boo boo, Pumpkin, Bubby), (verb) me now Don't ever let me go We'll (verb-sniff, smile, cry) like this forever 'Cause we (verb-love, hate, inspire, crack up) each other so Activate 2: Valentine's Day Card-Making! In their groups, students are given construction paper, markers/crayons, newspapers etc. to create their own Valentine's Day card. They are encouraged to be as creative as they can be, and cut out the MadLibs "love poem" they created in the previous activity. They are also encouraged to use the previously created vocabulary list and cut out the words to be glued/written on their card. Other examples found online students may use are: Cut out a picture of a broom and glue it to the card with the phrase "You sweep me off my feet!" or cut a picture of some nuts with the phrase written, "I'm nuts about you." At the end, the teacher asks for volunteers to read their card to the class and they can elect to hang it up in the room or give it to someone special for Valentine's Day! Purpose: Provide a comprehensive work of everything students have learned in class. Check for students' individual understanding through creative means. Note: Depending upon the amount of time, this lesson may need to be split into 2 separate lessons on two consecutive days. In this case, the teacher could use the following format: Day 1: Engage: Popcorn! Study 1: Valentine's Day Tongue Twisters! Study 2: Our Valentine's Day Alphabet: Vocabulary Group Work! Activate: Pass the Mustache! Day 2: Engage 1: I spy: Valentine's Day Theme! ("I spy something heart on the wall". "I spy something soft and furry...Valentine's Teddy-bear".) Study: Review of Vocabulary list made the day before (drill chorally and individually) Engage 2: MadLibs Valentine's Day Style! (Encourage students to use the Valentine's vocabulary list) Activate: Valentine's Day Card-Making!