Teach English in Wuliba Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wuliba Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Confidence either among students or teachers definitely begins with a teacher. A student can only learn in confidence if teachers exhibits confidence in both their approach and how they impact (the overall process) to impact knowledge. There are many ways a teacher is able to build, maintain and build confidence in himself. The following are ways- 1. Being Prepared: A teacher should be able to fully and adequately prepare for a class he is scheduled. In order to achieve this a teacher needs ample time in preparing well thought through lesson plan he knows inside out. HE should have gone over and over severally this plan and have asked and answered his own questions which may arise. Explaining activates effectively for students and they carrying them out as planned builds confidence in a teacher. 2. Research: Teaching grammar, phoenix and other areas of English can be challenging even to anybody. As a result it is very necessary that a teacher researches and look up words he may not be comfortable with several days ahead of planned classes. Adequate preparation builds confidence. 3. Rehearsing : The same way once would adequately prepare for an office presentation to a group of CEOs by rehearsing several times even in front of a mirror and learning all the words corresponding to gestures to be made, etc. The same can be done in order to boost a teacher’s confidence. Once a teacher knows what to say and at what point to say it with matching body gestures, he is sure to appear confident and hence trusted. Filming yourself in a dummy class is good start. 4. Focus on your strength: Every teacher has both strengths and weaknesses. It is most important in order to build a teachers confidence to stick to contact praising and trumpeting of their strengths instead of dwelling on their weaknesses which does nothing more than increase their low self-esteem. While at it, conscious and committed efforts is necessary to work on weaknesses to better them. Confidence grows more when weaknesses become strengths. 5. Feedback: Teachers should not shy away but rather be bold to solicit both students and parent feedback about their style of teaching. Regardless of the type of feedback, this can definitely be a confidence booster. When a teacher knows how much they are respected and appreciated by both students and parents, their confidence is increased. 6. Make and stick to classroom rules: As a teacher, it is important to calmly and with confidence demand the behavior you expect from your students in order to take control of the class. Device ways and means to maintain order in class without an open show of anger. Learn a relaxation technique for stressful situations. 7. Appearance: a confidence teacher is always well dressed and well kept. A teacher who always look his best in appearance is more confident. 8. Body language. The body language of a confidence teacher is always full of smile and relaxed. Relaxing more with full of smiles makes you feel better and send subconscious messages to your body and would make you relaxed.