Teach English in Sangxi Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sangxi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It’s necessary, first of all, to understand the differences between acquiring a native and foreign languages. The native language is a language the child acquires since being born. The foreign language is one of the variants of the non-native languages. Another variant of a non-native language is the second language. It is admitted the native language as a functional language because it is used for everyday communication. The second language usually refers to any language that is not the first (native) one learns. While contrasting the native, the second and foreign languages, the terms «first language» (L1), «second language» (L2 or SL), and «foreign language» (FL) are used. The major difference between FL and SL learning is that a FL is learned in the artificial language environment, outside of the social environment, i.e. in the teaching conditions. Besides, the FL is not the means of everyday communication. But at the same time, we cannot line out the distinction between them, because the FL can become for learners as a SL or vice verse. For instance, in the English speaking countries migrants learn English as a SL, for Uzbekistan the EL is the foreign language. Between L1, L2 or FL acquisition we can point out the following common theoretical features: 1) the foundation for L2/ FL is built largely from a transfer of the rules of L1; 2) only L2/ FL is constructed from prior conceptual knowledge within the learner. The learners of L2/FL use similar strategies to those learning their first language. Although L2/FL learners go through essentially the same process as L1 learners, they do it much faster because they are usually more advanced cognitively. In the methodology the terms of FLT and FLL are also distinguished. The FLT is a specially organized process, during which as a result of interaction of a teacher with students, the reproduction and acquiring a certain experience are accomplished in correspondence with the given goal. The FLL is the conscious and goal-oriented activity directed at acquiring structural characteristics of the language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar). The ELL is a natural, cognitive process with learners ultimately responsible for their own learning. Having already acquired an L1 non-native students are aware of the intentionality of language use and of the functions that language serves. They are thus primed to seek out propositional meaning and illocutionary value with all the faculties and experience that they can bring to bear on the matter. That’s why, when interpreting real talk or text, FL beginners devote most of their attention to processing the essential semantic units. The more or less redundant language features can simply not be attended to. The term «language awareness» as «development in learners of an enhanced consciousness of and sensitivity to the forms and functions of language» is used. Other definitions that reflect the core of language awareness is consciousness-raising; form-focus instruction, form interpretation tasks. Language awareness includes itself awareness about grammar, lexical, phonological, and discourse features, i.e. language data. The goal of language awareness is to develop in the learners’ awareness of and sensitivity to form, meaning and function of the language units. Learners have to explore structured input and develop an awareness of particular linguistic features by performing certain operations. We submitted the task ideas which are written below, with my scientific advidor Doctor of Pedagogic sciences J.J.Jalolov