Teach English in Pingan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Pingan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Rapport is a relationship when another’s feelings are understood and communication flows easily. It’s very important to build a good rapport amongst students when teaching. Students who are comfortable and relaxed are more likely to ask questions and participate in class. There are several ways a teacher can start building a good relationship with their students and that should begin on the first day of class. If you are present early for class, come well prepared and know your student’s names, you are off to a good start. On the first day of class, it’s beneficial to make sure the students are given an opportunity to learn each other’s names and some key information about them. Knowing a few things about one another makes for a more relaxed environment. This can easily be accomplished by having ice-breaker activities planned. Activities can be as simple as announcing your name, where you are from, and your hobbies and interests. Building rapport amongst the students is just as important as building rapport with the teacher. For some students, it is possible that the first day of class might present unsettling emotions. Confidence exemplified from the teacher plays a vital role in the learning environment, and remaining relaxed is critical. After completing a few ice-breaker activities, the students are more familiar with each other as well as the teacher! This will help everyone feel more comfortable in class. Soon after, you can start using group activities to encourage classroom communication. However, when using groups, be sure to regularly switch the group members so that all of the students work well with one another! When students are familiar with each other’s work ethic, they will begin to give feedback and implement constructive criticism. This will make it easier to learn from the students and have them contribute more in class. This is accomplished much easier in a comfortable environment. You can contribute to this type of environment by making the lessons more personable and centered on individual student interest. Your attitude and demeanor play a large role when building rapport as the teacher. It is crucial that the teacher is approachable at all times during class. If the students don’t understand a topic but feel uncomfortable asking questions, it places them in a difficult situation. There are ways you can avoid this from happening. You must leave personal feelings at the door when class begins and start each day as a blank slate of opportunity in order to create an enriching environment. Having the right approach and utilizing a positive mindset will present the teacher with rewarding outcomes. In addition, a teacher should always be consistent and show fairness to their students. When challenges appear, it is important to remain even keeled. Consistency will help students feel more at ease. As the teacher, you should remain respectful to your class if you wish to receive respect in return. Also, always do your best maintain a positive environment and ask for comments or opinions from the group. You don’t have to be extrovert to be a good teacher! It is in everyone’s best interest if you stay open to ideas, treat people fairly and maintain good eye contact. This will keep the goal of teaching and learning more positive and rewarding for those involved.