Teach English in Juting Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Juting Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching can be a very intimidating experience, especially for those who have had no prior experience doing so. However, there are several ways in which teachers, especially those who are beginners, can work to build their confidence in the classroom. This will make it easier for not only the instructor to enjoy their job, but also for their students to enjoy the learning experience. The first step in building confidence in the classroom lies in the teacher having their own learning experience in a course like TEFL. Courses like this give a great deal of information on the best way to develop lesson plans, tests, and be engaging with students. These are things that are not always easy to do on our own. In addition, they have videos that show not only an effective way of teaching students, but also one that is ineffective. This allows for future teachers to quickly recognize mistakes that they may make as beginners in the classroom, and work to improve upon them. Once they can overcome these hurdles, they will grow confident in their ability to teach. The second step is to accept constructive criticism. As humans, we often strive for perfection, and so receiving this criticism can feel like a step in the wrong direction. However, it is especially important for teachers to realize that criticism is an opportunity to improve upon oneself. The sooner one can realize this, the sooner they can develop their teaching skills and gain more confidence in the process. For example, if you are working as an ALT in a classroom overseas, it is a great idea to ask the teacher of the class for feedback following your lesson. Teachers can also request some feedback from fellow teachers. Experience is a valuable part of confidence, and this is a good way to earn develop that experience. The third step involves cultivating a relationship with your students. Similar to how nerve-wracking it can be when giving a speech to a room of unknown faces, entering a classroom with a group of new students can be just as intimidating. However, once you start to connect with your students through lessons and see how they respect you as a teacher, your confidence will grow further. Try to connect with students outside of class too. Participate in school events, host a club, and give them more outlets in which they can reach out to you. This will likely encourage them to work and improve their English, and in turn make class much more exciting for students and yourself. Finally, the best way to gain confidence in the classroom is to prepare effective lesson plans and practice them beforehand. Practice makes perfect, and in the beginning, it will be especially helpful. It will ensure that you have one less thing to worry about when at the head of the class. Then, as you continue to develop and practice lessons, it will start to come naturally to you. This is because you will become more confident in your ability to teach and create lessons. These steps are just a few of many that teachers can do in order to build their confidence in the classroom. One thing to also note is that teaching is simultaneously a learning experience for the teacher. With these experiences, you can make yourself the best teacher you can be.