Teach English in Huoshaodian Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huoshaodian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As an English teacher, if you have passport of one of those 7 countries, then you will be considered as a native English speaking teacher. Those countries are America, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom. For those teachers who aren’t from any of these 7 countries above, you will be considered a non- native English speaking teacher. That is sometimes unfair for the latter, especially for those teachers who come from for example the Philippines or India, where English is widely talked and used. There will be preference for certain countries. Nevertheless, Such a phenomenon does exist. when schools are going to pay you to be an English teacher, they are trying to give their clients and students what they want, which means the employer is making what they consider to be a more “reasonable” choice, to choose teachers who are “better” for their business. Some people might ask: “I’m from a country that English is not a native language but I’m very interested in teaching English, can I still be an English teacher?” My answer is absolutely yes, there are teachers working all over the world from a wide range of background, many of them do not come from a country where English is their first language. A lot of them when they speak to you, you wouldn’t even notice that English is not their first language. There are people with language talent everywhere and doesn’t just come down to the accent, maybe you are a great writing teacher, maybe your grammar teaching is just excellent. Nowadays there are more and more schools they are more than willing to hire teachers with native level proficient, admitted that the country does not matter. There are more job opportunities for non native speakers and they pop up especially in areas where there is high demand. A lot of schools they are open to hire non-native speakers as long as you are very professional. So what qualities should a non-native English teacher have? No matter you are native English speaker or not, working as an English teacher, you are supposed to speak and write English fluently. You have to be very communicative, your students will be able to understand you, but you also have to work hard on pronunciation as well because that’s something we have to acquire which we don’t acquire naturally like a native speaker. As a matter of fact, even if you don’t speak perfect English, having a very advanced English is not really necessary rather than your great personality and the teaching ability. In those situations, you can still be a good teacher. Despite the disadvantages, is there any advantage of being a non-native English speaking teacher? The answer is yes. For being a good English teacher, you have to feel passion for your job, you have to be very communicative, and then you have to feel you can help your students in other ways that a native speaker couldn’t do. For example, being a Chinese native speaker, which in my case, it helps me when I want to explain how the grammar works, because I had to learn that in my past experience, so for me it is quite easy and logical to explain the problems that my students are going to have. For example, when I teach my students the sounds of letters, and I need to correct their pronunciation, I can explain to them the different positions of oral pronunciation between English and Chinese, which will help them understand better. However for a native English teacher they won’t be able to use this teaching method. Also as you know the tenses in English don’t follow the same rules compare to Chinese, I can anticipate this information so my students can see the mistake quickly and try to avoid making it. Here are some advice for non-native English speaking teachers: Get a TEFL / TESOL certificate, a good TEFL / TESOL course that gives you a basic understanding of class management and many other fundamentals that you need to know about teaching. Read more and emphasize your knowledge of English. Be determined, active and work hard. Work on your pronunciation. In conclusion, don’t let being a non-native English speaker put you off being a great English teacher!