Teach English in Dingjunshan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dingjunshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The use of English as a Global language arose out of a need for people of diverse languages and cultures to communicate with each other. English did not become a global language suddenly by the decree of any person or group. English as a global language is an extension of the political and economic influence of the British empire. Wherever the British Empire held sway, for instance India, parts of Africa like Nigeria and Zimbabwe, Malaysia and some Pacific islands you will find English speakers. The saying is that "the sun never set on the British Empire' and thus the sun never set on English. While North America got its English language from the English settlers since at least World War Two The United States has been the dominant cultural, industrial and military force in the world and English as a second language followed its rise. As globalization proceeds more and more people and countries need to speak English in order to communicate. One of the first reasons that people started to use English as a Lingua Franca was the need for diplomats to talk and understand each other. Conflicts could be avoided and each others positions and needs could be articulated. Misunderstandings due to language have caused much historical carnage. After the Vietnam war both side realized that they did not fully understand the other sides position. The international language of business is English. You can order goods from Ten Cent in China in English and Buy from Amazon in Japan in English. International banking is done in English and most ATM machines have an English language button. Companies that do business internationally function in English whether it's exporting beer from Holland or Mexico or garments from Bangladesh. The international language of aviation is English. Pilots and staff at airports have to be able to function in English. Instructors from Air traffic controllers are in English as is the signage in airports. Usually the local language is first then English. People who want to work in international business have to have enough English to communicate. Students may study English as a second language because they want to travel. Wherever they go they will find local people who speak some English and their English will be a great help in getting around and finding out what is going on in places they visit. On the other hand local people who want to work in the tourist industry have to speak English well enough to communicate. If a student intends to study at a university in an English speaking country it is obvious that they need to first learn some English then continue to hone their skills in the country they select. American universities are considered to be very desirable to attend and a degree from one can lead to expertise and a good job in their field. They may also wish to pursue an advanced degree in science or academics in which case English is imperative. Research is in English or in English translation as are journals. An academic would be expected to attend international conferences and a good command of English would be a must. Journalism is another area where English is the lingua Franca. The war corespondents in the middle east speak English as a second language if they are not from an English speaking country and if they want to know what is really going on they hire a bi-lingual local person, who speaks English also, to help them understand and communicate with everyone else whether it is as a guest on BBC or CNN or in print. Globalization is unstoppable and as business, commerce, the arts and sciences continue to create a global culture local cultures and their languages fade and disappear. Cultural identity is inextricably dependent on language and the momentum toward a mono cultural world is sure to make the world a less exciting and interesting place.