Teach English in Dahe Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dahe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (also known as TEFL) certification is widely used and accepted around the world and the training to become certified is highly diversified. TEFL can occur either typically within state school systems, privately at a language school, or with at tutor. Teachers usually are native born speakers however this isn’t a requirement and there are many certified instructors in which English is not native for instructors. For teachers to become certified they must go through a teaching curriculum-based course to become certified. Offline TEFL certification courses have historically been the only way to become certified as a TEFL instructor. In modern times however, technology has drastically changed the landscape of learning courses. Offline certification courses have adapted with technology as well to enhance the learning experience for would be instructors. Offline courses give the students the ability to learn in a classroom environment gaining knowledge from skilled TEFL instructors. Course material is typically covered in much more detail than online courses would normally grant. Offline courses normally give students the ability to practice the course material and teach mock situations. Research studies show that in-class mock demonstrations give individuals a deep learning experience by simulating the teaching environment. Individuals with ‘hands-on’ experience statistically out perform instructors that do not have ‘hands-on’ experience. When we talk about outperforming, this is shown in student feedback, instructor evaluation and other internal performance-based monitoring. Now disadvantages to the offline courses for some individuals can outweigh the positives based on the individual desires/needs. First of all, the cost. The cost of an offline course can vary but can run up into the thousands of dollars for the same certification as online certification. Another common disadvantage is the location of the course. This requires individuals to take a set time out of the day to travel from where they are to a physical learning environment. This can be inconvenient if the location is far away. This would require more resources and time on the individuals part. A third disadvantage is time. The courses are usually a set time that the individual has to attend the course. This means if a problem arises or a schedule conflict occurs the individual may miss that day and would most likely have to make up the day. With the advent of new technology the rise of online courses not just in education but in other industries as well has changed the landscape of learning courses. The cost to develop, manage, and deploy courses to individuals for certification is greatly reduced for institutions. Institutions can reduce overhead, number required employees, physical course material, and commercial space for learning spaces. This means the costs are also reduced for the individual enrolling in the course. This significantly reduces the barrier to entry to obtaining a certification. Course material typically is done without a physical instructor and the student reviews course material online. There are varying degrees of courses with completely remote to hybrid systems in which you have specific times you have to take a course. A common disadvantage is the quality of content that an individual receives and zero hands-on experience can lead to reduced understanding of the content and reduced performance by individuals. There are varying degrees of TEFL certifications that can offer various advantages and disadvantages. Individuals seeking certifications need to weigh the options, and choose the method of certification that fits their needs and career path. As long as individuals make informed choices and understand the outcomes of each path they will be successful.