Teach English in Baocheng Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baocheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher is someone who changes the lives and determines the direction towards which the future of a generation leads. Teachers have long lasting impacts on the lives of their students. A great teacher has the ability to develop relationships with his students. He has effective discipline skills. He is kind, patient, motivating, inspiring, committed, dedicated and confident about his expertise and skills. He strives to motivate and engage his students . A teacher takes on a variety of roles within the classroom according to the needs and requirements. So he is a multi talented being and the beauty of his work depends on the poise and balance and the ability to perform each and every role effectively. As a controller the teacher is mostly the centre of focus. Here he can inspire his students through his knowledge and expertise as he is in charge of the class and of all the activities taking place there. If he remains confident and comfortable with this role and successful in grasping the attention of the students it means he is able to connect with them which is more than awesome. If the students are learning effortlessly it means the lesson is supposed to be interesting and enjoyable which is again a great achievement. Perhaps the most difficult and important role of the teacher is of the organizer. The success of many activities depends on marvellous organization of the teacher and the clarity what the students are to do next. Giving instructions as well as setting up activities both are equally important and vital. We can say that in a way a teacher is a demonstrator as this role allows him to get involved and engaged with students. Here he also displays his discipline skills to avoid a situation of chaos in the classroom. As a participant the teacher tries to improve the atmosphere in the class. He interacts with learners with a caution which means without being too overpowering and dominating. He must be able to stand back and not become the centre of attention. In this way he can enliven a class. In the role of a tutor a teacher acts as a coach. He is available to them to provide all the guidance and help when the students are involved in their tasks and project work. As a facilitator he encourages his students to do all the activities devised for them independently without any interference and interruption though he is available as a resource in case the students need any assistance or guidance. As an Assessor the teacher is responsible to give feedback and correction as well as proper evaluation of their performance. Here he must be fair, honest and consistent as far as grading is concerned because it has always been a sensitive issue as far as student's reactions are concerned. He must be there to provide all the support needed. Sometimes the teacher is faced with some unusual situations in the teaching learning process. For example if some students are just stuck or unable to grasp the idea or concept or some information here are two options for the teacher either the students are left to resolve the issue or find a way for themselves or gently encourage them along. Actually in the second option a teacher is acting as a prompter. The teacher acts as a model and subject of immitation for the learners when they find him the only source of real and live English especially a native speaker of English. In this way the learners try to get the maximum benefit as far as grammar, vocabulary, mannerisms and particularly pronunciation is concerned. The teacher is also an observer or monitor when he is constantly observing what is going on in the class, the activities, the tasks assigned, the successful accomplishments and projects. He is encouraging and praising positive behaviours performance and progress of the students and at the same time provides useful feedback and corrections when needed. There is a lot more as far as the role of a teacher is concerned. He must be supportive, entertaining at times witty and humorous, helpful, humble, commanding, friendly, a great listener an empathetic. He must be able to develop reciprocity and cooperation among the students. A professional guided by principles, passion and a purpose. He must have sound knowledge of subject matter who aspires to polish his skills through uptodateness and capacity building measures, knowledge of curriculum. Leadership, classroom management and content knowledge are the attributes of a charismatic teacher who accommodates the academic, social and emotional needs of his students. He works as a leader, administrator, scholar, researcher and lifelong learner. He is the interpreter and designer of learning programmes and materials. He must be an engaging personality with clear goals and objectives. He must be warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. He must be capable of creating a safe and better environment for his students. He must enable them to think for themselves. He must develop a strong community in the classroom and celebrate their diversity by creating activities and discussions that foster conversations and discovery about who they are and how they can appreciate the differences between each other. This type of focus from time to time will build a stronger bond among the students. In this way an environment of trust and faith will be built which can relax the atmosphere and help students focus more on learning. Students must be encouraged to work in collaboration. Teamwork must be promoted. Volunteer work must be encouraged. It must be a part of education how they can contribute to the community they live in. A teacher must be an empathetic. Students follow their teacher as a role model. So he must be a sympathetic mentor who listens to his students. A teacher should develop a culture of kind behavior and appreciation in the classroom. There are students who are obsessed with music ,art ,literature and other forms of creative expression .They must be appreciated. Educate to respect each other's individuality. In short a teacher's role can be discussed in a variety of dimensions. His responsibility is huge. He has the power to inspire his students to understand the track of their thoughts, organize their goals, connect with themselves and add value and greatness to their lives.