Teach English in Baimianxia Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baimianxia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I chose a TEFL course to complete for making me more professional. I am an English teacher and teaching young kids from the age of 4 to 12 in China. I have been teaching kids for around 7 years. I was teaching kids from Grade 1 to Grade 5 in a public primary school in China. Now I am teaching young kids in a language training center. Teaching in a Chinese public school is totally different with teaching in a private training center. In the public school, what the teacher does everyday is giving the questionnaire to the students and have them accomplish as more questionnaires as possible. So that they can remember the Gramma rules and know how to give correct answers so that they can have higher scores. So in a public school all the exercises we do are for one purpose that is getting a higher score. So that as a teacher there I didn't applied those fantastic professional teaching techniques into my class. What I used in my class is not good to young learners. But now my new job needs me think about how to teach young kids effectively. What exactly they need for their English learning. My new job allows me and requires me being more professional. I have to learn the effective teaching methods to the young learners and I have to learn how to teach the kids who are not English native speakers. I have to learn how to make an effective class management when your students are only 4 years old and they hardly sit on a spot for long time. I have to learn how to deliver the learning materials more effectively and make the standard learning materials to be more attractive and interesting to my young students. As now my company doesn't require the teacher teach much gramma things as this Gramma teaching way is not suitable for young kids. Actually I agree with it as when I was teaching gramma in my previous school I can tell how the students suffered. They probably can read and write but they cannot speak and listen. I was sure that was because we were teaching in a wrong way. The class was not excited, the students hardly could stay focused on class. Therefore I was looking for some course to let me know the right teaching methods. Now my new company has the same concept with what has taught by this TEFL course such as the students need sufficient exposures, what an effective class management should look like, what stages should be included in an efficient class, etc. I have learned a lot from the course from learning and teaching theories the course based on, the practical techniques especially class management techniques, lesson plan design techniques, learning material design techniques, syllabus design techniques, and also there are a lot of practical resources such as the links for games, level tests, English learning resources. Those are all indeed what I need. My company provides good curriculum which bases on the theories and concepts with scientific evidence. What i need to do is making myself more professional so that I can deliver the course to my students and have them learn effectively. And also the certificate is helpful for my career development. In China, if you want to teach kids you definitely need teaching certificate. I want to be a successful teacher, then I have to have a certificate and teaching knowledge to equip me a good teacher. I am happy that I chose a TEFL course because I really have learned a lot useful and practical knowledge to help me be a good teacher. Of course I still need to keep learning. And put the theory and methods which I've learned into my class. Through practice to improve my skills. All the materials and resources I've got from he course will be my reference, teaching kits and continuing learning resources. I really appreciate what I've gained from the course. I'll keep learning and hopefully will have chance to have further learning with TEFL.