Teach English in Bailongtang Zhen - Hanzhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Bailongtang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As the number of English foreign language students continue to increase on a daily basis, the need for qualify English language teachers also keeps on increasing. A lot of qualities can be associated with a good teacher, all of which will rotate around his or her ability to motivate or engage the students. Motivation therefore becomes an important factor in teaching English as a second or foreign language. Motivation can be divided into two types namely: Intrinsic motivation which is doing something for the sake of personal satisfaction and Extrinsic motivation which is doing something to earn a reward or to avoid punishment. In the paragraphs that follow, I will be talking about the various ways teachers can motivate students in the classroom. Praising the students. No matter the age, background, nationality, or reason for studying, everyone loves and enjoys praises. So praising your students can go a long way to motivate them to study. Well done, very good, excellent, good job, nice work, etc. are phrases that should be used by every teacher on a daily basis in their classroom. Especially with young learners, when one kid answers a question or volunteers to do something and receives a ‘’good job’’ for it, that student will be happy and motivated to do more. Meanwhile, other kids too will be motivated as well in other to receive the same praise. It could also be true with adult learners. Recognizing the work of the students: If homework or projects are assigned, upon completion, the teacher should check and commend the students for their efforts. Displaying some of the good work in the classroom, can motivate the students to do more and even motivate others to improve. Having personalized stamps with the teachers face or famous cartoons can be very instrumental. Putting these stamps on their worksheets or projects makes them happy and motivated to continue learning with joy. Sometimes, holding weekly or monthly awards in the classroom is very motivating. Writing positive notes to their parents is also another motivating factor. Assigning classroom tasks. Together with the students, the teacher can create a list of tasks for the week or month. Using a specific criteria, let the students earn the opportunity to pick their classroom tasks for the week or month. Some of these tasks could include: the class or group leader, cleaning the board, attendance, writing the date or weather, moderate review games etc. This gives the student a sense of fulfillment. It is also important to set high but realistic expectations. The teacher should make sure to voice those expectation so that the students know what is expected of them. Setting short term goals and celebrating them when achieved can also motivate the students in a great way. To accomplish this, the teacher should develop a strong rapport with the students and establish a trusting relationship with them. Spread Excitement. The teacher should show enthusiasm in the English language teaching and use appropriate, concrete and understandable examples, demonstrations or gestures in other to help the students grasp the point. Learning a new language can be very difficult and boring at times. So one way to keep the students motivated is by making sure they understand the concept or the procedure we want them to use. There’s absolutely no better way to achieve this than to speak slowly, use demonstrations and gestures where appropriate. Using games and lots of fun activities will go a long way to motivate the students too. From the facts mentioned above, we can therefore come to the conclusion that even the best books and materials in the world won’t get the students excited about learning and willing to work hard if they are not motivated. Motivation therefore becomes a necessity in the classroom.