Teach English in Xinyuan Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every student has the ability to learn a new language, and it is the teacher’s duty to encourage this through their teaching styles, lesson plans, and enthusiasm to teach. The role of the teacher is to use classroom instruction and presentations to help students learn and apply the language they are learning. Teachers perform many day-to-day tasks such as preparing lessons, grading papers, managing the classroom, meeting with parents, and working closely with co-teachers and education administration. Though it is easy for people to notice these aforementioned tasks, teachers perform many things that people outside of the classroom do not realize. More often than not, teachers will have to discipline, mentor, and counsel children. They also act as bookkeepers and role models as well as planners. Especially for younger children, the teacher is an important part of student development. During a child’s pre-adolescent and adolescent phases, development is crucial. A teacher has great influence and can shape what these boys and girls can become. Students learn foreign languages for many reasons, but the ultimate goal of learning is to be able to use and practice this foreign language in business or everyday situations. When it comes to creating lesson plans for ESL students, the primary goal for the teacher is to make the classroom an English-only space. This may be difficult at times for students because they may not know how to form a concise question or answer. In this case, it is important for the teacher to equip the student with the necessary tools and to always be encouraging. In addition to making the classroom an English-only space, the teacher should motivate students by introducing activities that appeal to the students’ personalities or backgrounds. It may vary from country to country, and it is the role of the teacher to understand the culture and create activities that cater to the specific culture. For example, with smaller children, nursery rhymes/chants are a safe route, especially when coupled with dancing or movement. For an older learner, choosing a pop song in English could cater to their interests. Activities and lesson plans should be planned far in advance so that lessons are well-paced. It is important for the teacher to be constructive and helpful when they teach. If the teacher is enthusiastic and open-minded to new ideas, they will not only teach. They will learn as well. Teachers’ roles are substantially different than they used to be. Teachers were once issued a specific curriculum to teach and given instructions on how to teach it. Now they have to multi-task and play the role of many parts. Especially in an ESL setting, teachers will have to counsel students and help them learn how to use their knowledge and integrate it into their lives. They also have to adapt learning methods to each individual student’s learning and inspire them to learn. Teachers may also perform outreach activities that are not limited to just the classroom. In the United States, teachers work with politicians, colleagues, and community members to set obtainable curriculum and clear standards for their students. They may also be asked to help mentor new teachers to prepare them for their new jobs. All in all, teaching ESL provides the teacher with a great opportunity for personal and professional growth. Even though the teacher’s primary role is teaching, they also learn as well. Students are also able to teach the teacher when it comes to cultural differences, personal communications and how life typically is in a different country. As a teacher, we should always strive to be the best at what we do.