Teach English in Xiariha Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

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Classroom management involves, besides teaching a need for the maintenance of discipline. The students in a class under the care of a teacher are not homogeneous by any means as they come from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. The teacher therefore, as the 'captain of the ship' has a heavy responsibility here. This is especially so if there are boisterous learners in the group, who need much attention on their own. In most Asian countries,classroom discipline is equated with punishment. Many Asian educationists, teachers, politicians and other stakeholders involved in formulating educational policies are somehow ignorant of this vital difference. They are not aware that discipline is to teach. To teach "right from wrong", whereas punishment is to inflict hurt and pain in the hope of educating a child. Due to this phenomena teachers in Asian countries, have a free hand in 'Giving em' six of the best', or 'Beating the devil out of em', in the false believe that they are maintaining class discipline. This is all the more rampant in religious schools or where certain religions call for the punishment of school children. Many Biblical quotes are often put forward by the uninitiated for the punishment of school children, and it is falsely believed that the wards are being disciplined. "Spare the rod and spoil the child", so the saying goes. How many times have we heard this on cliched saying during our life time? The practice of punishing school children,in order to discipline the is also widespread in many parts of the world.Corporal punishment has been utilised for centuries, by many a teacher. The methods and equipment used to punish school children have been well documented over the years. Just looking at some of these monstrous objects or 'school disciplinary tools' can numb one's senses. Yet is so and true. Teachers inflict painful punishment on the school children. There is documented evidence that such punishment has led to the loss of limbs, eyesight, hearing and death of school children. Little wonder than that Sweden had in 1972 banned the practice of corporal punishment in all setting, that is, the school and home. Today more than one hundred and forty two countries have drawn laws to stop this practice in schools.Sadly this translates in terms of numbers to only about 15 to 20 percent of the global school going children' population. The rest are the school children unprotected from the scrooge of punishment inflicted on them by over zealous teachers or care givers. What than is classroom discipline? How can a teacher maintain discipline in the class sans the use of physical force or corporal punishment? In my opinion classroom discipline begins with the teacher him or herself. A teacher has to be a role model par excellence. Additionally, a teacher has to believe and act to the dictum "En loco parentis" or in place of the parents.Teachers shoulder a heavy responsibility. They are being watched in every action, by scores of tiny eyes. Therefore teachers have to act their role to perfection. Punctuality, personal deportment, and keeping to words given to students have far reaching consequences. Students will respect teachers who are punctual, who carry themselves well and who keep up to their promises given to the students. Teachers can maintain discipline in the classroom by being prepared for each and every class. Students can see through a well prepared teacher and one who is not. Furthermore, preparing for a class is not the 'be all and end all' of the matter. In order to have a disciplined class, a teacher has to make the lesson interesting and exciting. Each class is a battle to be won. The students will only behave well in a classroom where they have avenues for the furtherance of the knowledge. the teacher in this aspect should be the 'fountain of knowledge' and thus initiate the learning process effectively, taking into consideration the needs of each and every child, however little time he or she has. This maybe a little attention to writing of a student, a little correction of another, a smile to yet another or a frown or interested look at the direction of a slightly uneasy or apparently noisy lot can do wonders, in a teachers efforts to maintain discipline in the class. Teachers have to have a passion for their jobs, they have to love the children under their care and nurture them as they will their won children. Discipline, thus is not something written on stone, but the social contract between a teacher and his or her ward, and in that unseen contract the learner's best interest are paramount.