Teach English in Muli Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Muli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

One of the most challenging aspects of your career as a teacher is motivating the students in your classroom. This is also a very vital part of your role as a teacher. If your students are not motivated, they may not retain information, participate in class or may even become disruptive. These types of behaviors might be an indicator of other challenges your student may have, however, fostering a positive learning environment is a win-win for both teacher and student. A positive learning environment begins with the teacher. Your attitude and personality will determine the tone of the classroom. When you show enthusiasm and passion for the content you are teaching, your students will follow your lead. In addition to the curriculum, you are also modeling positive behavior and enthusiasm that will motivate your students and create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Positive interactions with you and other students will make students feel safe to participate without feeling shy or inhibited. Becoming familiar with your students is another strategy that can be used to motivate them. Taking time to create in class discussions that allow student to open up and provide information about themselves as well as taking time to have discussions with parents about individual students are ways of getting to know your students. A positive relationship with their teacher will promote an interest in learning. Discussion and activities that seek to find out about your students interests, hobbies and favorite foods, sports or movies shows a genuine interest in fostering a positive relationship with your students. Being creative with your lessons plans, including fun and varied activities can be a way to make materials fun and exciting for your students. Activities that incorporate your student’s interests will keep the students from getting bored and disinterested. Using mediums such as music, games, art or hands on activities that are in line with their interests and learning level will maintain your student’s attention. As well, the physical space in which students learn should also never be boring. Creating a stimulating environment with the use of posters, student artwork or seasonal theme decorations will create a warm and inviting environment. Praise and encouragement can also be fantastic motivators in the classroom. Verbal recognition in the classroom, displaying good work and sending home notes to parents are examples of ways to acknowledge the hard work and effort of your students. Additionally, teachers should set high expectations of their students and voice those expectations. Once achieved, it is important to acknowledge and to celebrate those achievements once met. One way to encourage students is to get them involved in the classroom. Teachers can instill responsibility and ownership of the classroom by giving each student a fun job to do. Student can help by tidying up or decorating the classroom. Giving children a sense of ownership will encourage them to continue to participate in class as well as instill pride in the classroom environment. Lastly, use varied experiences in your classroom. This is important as not all children learn or respond to lessons the same way. For some, hands on experiences may be the best. Others may enjoy a quiet place to read or some students thrive by working in groups. In order to keep students engaged and motivated, you may also want to change the physical place of your lessons. This might mean taking a field trip or accessing the library for books and discussing the topic in another location of the school, allowing for students to get some variety and therefore be just what they need to stay motivated to learn and retain valuable information. In conclusion, a teacher’s main role is to educate their students. How they chose to do that can make the difference between a fantastic teacher and a poor one. As I get ready to embark in my teaching career, I am excited to put to use all the points stated above. I am optimistic that as I gain more experience and confidence in the classroom, the ways in which I motivate my students will become a regular part of my daily routine when interacting with my students.