Teach English in Mangya Zhen - Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mangya Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Haixi Mengguzu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If repetition is one of the keys to learning a language, games are a way to explore the language in a manner that is unorthodox and effective. Regardless of age level, games are appealing and universal in their evocation of fun in order to learn a teaching objective. All games may not be culturally universal. The concept of JEOPARDY may be more familiar to North American students while verbal conversation is largely universal. Different age groups and levels of academia may need different games in order to appeal to a specific group. Word searches are appropriate for beginners and small children but may bore older or advanced students who may prefer puzzles or rhyming schemes. The correct type of fun is challenging, engaging and directly relates to the lesson of the day or previous lessons taught by the instructor. Fun is deceptively appropriate for the classroom because it disguises a lesson as a game or activity while lowering the stresses associated with academic learning. Often, students associate school and activities in and around schoolwork as stressors. Games break through that layer of apprehension and allow them to participate in an activity that can allow them to learn in a different context. Errors become less of a concern for the student. However, games are often competitive in nature and have a ‘winner’ and a ‘loser’. This may be counteractive to the learning process that occurs during a game. If the game is perceived in an unfair or unintuitive manner by the student it will not be effective. Cooperative activities, games with no set objective or an imaginative exercise increases the sense of fun while maintaining a calm and relaxed atmosphere. The students positive attitude is therefore more conducive to learning. In addition to creating a relaxed atmosphere, games allow for repetition of a particular activity and comparison among peers. Students that repeat their lessons during class and after school in their home are proven to increase academic performance and retention of the English language concepts. The more they utilize speech, writing, conventions and characteristics of the English language the faster their proficiency will develop. If they are unfamiliar with a certain concept games may allow for greater peer to peer interaction and comparison. Seeing a fellow student engage with the material on a visual and communicative level may be the trigger that a particular student needs in order to fully comprehend the lesson. Games are flexible, varied and can be tailored to any group of students in any culture. They do not have to be lengthy to be effective; a short game of Categories can enable vocabulary and discussion to be invoked in a short time. Cultural context arises from groups of students that are familiar with each others customs. Observant teachers can use discussions and ideas generated from games to improve their connection to their students and improve further lessons. Games are an excellent tool for communication, experimentation, organization of ideas and the creation of a relaxed atmosphere to promote a learning environment. Taking a break from regular learning can be beneficial and the key to learning a new language more quickly.