Teach English in Dawang Zhen - Dongying Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dawang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Dongying Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

PROBLEMS I EXPERIENCES AS A FOREIGN TEACHER . 1. Discrimination and racism between whites and. blacks to some natives they show it ,Which some times happens inside the class where some students they don't want to be touched or being next to them this detoreate me becouse I'm black African teacher 2. under payment , they pay me below the minimum salary of the government at the end of the day I don't meet my goals in time yet my school pays alot to my company I het this . 3. Inadqate facilities in some schools like DVD players ,television, computers and others to help me in classes while teaching for example I have abook I use to teach but there no DVD player to play the CD such that to motivate and to soften my teaching process when it comes to motivating and get all there attention. 4. Minimization among the students in class and Some parents thinking that it's only whites people who knows how to teach English languag At first They did that to me but after they realised my ability, though they have that it in their mind 5. Laziness of some students who prefer spoon feeding from the teacher which is tiresome. and not developing the intellectual thinking of a student . They don't want to do group work and carrying out research on there own. 6. Parents. Some parents don't take English- language studying as a subject, they expect.quick results in aweek yet it takes time and concentration like any other subject does so foristance there parents bring there children for a week to school and they start demand good results from the teacher (me) 7. Language barrier, especially to the beginners it's had to teach since all the time engage, study and activities are In have to talk alot plus doing actions for them to understand you it's a bottleneck. 8. Over working,at time they leave me alone with small babies who need alot of attention yet i have to teach too so it's had on my side hence Over working . 9. Indisplined students in class try to provk me by. disobeying me though I control my self since I have experience but it's hard for me since it motivates others to do so becouse there no serious punishments for indisplined students 10. Changing weather seasons especially in winter and summer most student don't attend classes which forces me to repeat the lessons for the students some times to be on the same level of studying 11. Differencein age and thinking ,that is to say some students are old than the other and some students learn very fast than the other and other slow learning students get annoid over the others. 12. Failure to participate in class,some students they don't want to try speaking English in class becouse they don't want to make mistakes which keeps them at standstill thinking while others are scared. 13. Some students have no interest in studying English yet the parents want the students to study .some cry when you ask them questions to participate in class and others disorganise the class. 14. Some students compare them selves to ateacher especially the girls since I'm a lady Like them they think I'm at there level of education, some try to challenge me by refusing what I'm teaching when there saying that they don't like them yet it's beneficial t them. For example story books . 15. Discrimination of materials to be tought in class that is to say some students try to dislike story book reading,news paper reading and others english materials which requires concentration. they only prefer simple book reading yet they need progress. In conclusion though i experience alot of bottlenecks but there also good things I do experience such as conducive environment, adorable students, friendly people and so many others. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.