Teach English in Mi Zhen - Dezhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Dezhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In this course I learned so many new and helpful things about: teaching, grammar, teaching methods, students, groups, ESA methods, lesson planing, games etc.. I also learned about teaching skills and which part of them we can say that they are important. We can say that there are many positions we can call teaching, professors, tutors, teachers... but let’s talk about actual skills. I can say that there are two types of teaching skills, but they are both equally important. - teaching productive skills - teaching receptive skills Also, there is teaching pronunciation, but I will put my focus on those two skills. What can I say about receptive skills is that they are very important part of teaching. 2 basic types are: reading and listening. Students always have problems with reading and listening so teacher should always their best to keep students focus and encourage them to read. Teacher should always make a lesson plan and it has to content: Engage: engage is the first stage and in this stage teacher will inspire students and encourage them to speak in English Study: after engage next stage is study. In this stage teacher will present new content. After this stage( when students are familiar with lesson and the topic) teacher will go to the next stage Activate: this stage teacher will get students speak and think in English, games we can play to practice are: role play or any other game which should make students think in English. Teacher should always choose the material which students are interested in, choice of topic is very important because in that way teacher will have attention and students will listen. Teacher should motivate students to think in foreign language and to use their mind. So we can say that this teaching skill is one of the indispensable part of teaching. Now, the second equal important skill is productive. Productive skills we can divide in two groups: speaking and writing. Those two skills are made for communication. Therefore teacher should motivate students to communicate with each other’s and with the teacher. Teacher should encourage them to speak, even if they are not ready teacher should find what’s the problem and solve it. Most of the students are shy or have no confidence so therefore teacher should always knows how to react. Most of the students are scared of making mistakes so from the beginning teacher should not pay full attention to mistakes, teacher should give students time. There are some techniques I learned about how to encourage students. One of them is group and pair work which I think is really helpful and it’s a good option to make students beaver. Of course teacher should always go step by step. Speaking is really important part of our lives. Writing skills: writing skills sometimes can be boring because class is quiet. So teacher should make it more funny for students. Here we also have engage, study and activate. I don’t have to say much more about writing but there is no doubt that is really important and it’s an essential part of learning English. In this course like I said I learned lot of useful things and I hope it will help me to be a good teacher