Teach English in Linyi Zhen - Dezhou Shi

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According to Cambridge English dictionary, discipline is a training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the behaviour produced by this training. Haven said this, discipline is mostly used as a way to ensure that rules and regulations in the school are kept and maintained so that students can be safe in a learning environment . Discipline in the classroom therefore is an orderliness without causing trouble, making noise and distracting others in the classroom or learning environment, this is all geared towards attending vivid understanding of what the teacher is trying to impact. So many times , the word discipline has been interpreted to be something negative, but the aim of using it is simply to teach students limits in order to help them achieve their academic goals . So without discipline, it's impossible to learn. If students keep disturbing the teacher, others will definitely find it difficult to learn, and if a student ignore the class rules or neglect their Assignments , class work or homework, such student is missing out in his or her learning opportunities , therefore , discipline is needed in order to make sure that students receive the best of eduction. The class discipline has proven to be a serious issue in our world today, where teachers must however correct the excesses and wrong actions of the students that keep arising. it is obviously a complex issue that cannot be reduced to technical problems . As a result of this, the class discipline management take a whole lot of time which brings disorder and confusion in the learning. To make this essay clear and understandable , I need to point out some things that cause indiscipline among students , which are : Teacher's incapability: when a teacher is not trained enough or lacks the ability ,knowledge and boldness to handle students, this causes boredom , and disrespect from the students. Problems at home: when there are family problems , such student loses focus and attention in the classroom. Individual problems: some students are naturally stubborn and lack interest in education, this makes them to exhibit indiscipline. Peer group/ pressure : some students are influenced to be indiscipline by their friends and colleagues . Now , having talked about the causes of indiscipline among students, let's look into the disciplinary problems and the steps/ techniques to manage or control them. Disrespect: students speak a lot of disrespectful words to teachers, adults , friends and colleagues, and when this happens, it leads to misunderstanding and quarrels causing obstructions in the classroom . Disobedience: this a situation where students refuse to obey instructions, listen to teachers or follow instructions . Intimidation: students continuously bully others students, just to make themselves feel better and belittle others . violent and dangerous: students become physical and verbally violent, In this aspect, discipline is observed especially when student s are overstepping their boundaries , touching the things they shouldn't , fighting and causing pain to others , playing with electricity or fire which are very dangerous to lives. In these cases, discipline is imposed on the students. Noise : - noise is one of the measure problem in the classroom . Teacher needs to control noise when he/she is working to ensure that the lesson is understood. Distraction with gadgets :- In this area, discipline is needed to avoid distractions like students operating their mobiles and games in the classroom while teaching is going on . To manage and control indiscipline behaviours mentioned above, these are my few techniques: Firstly, to make students obey instruction and quit intimidating fellow students, the teacher needs to use some techniques like : Giving the student a role in the class: everyone needs to feel valued, giving him/her a leadership role will definitely make the student assume responsibility . Address the misbehaviour individually or privately: Always talk to the student about their behaviour privately, not before class, in this way , you will have to face the student one on one without disrupting the class learning. Get trained : It is very easy for students to spot untrained and incapable teachers, and when this happens , they find it easy to disrespect you. So a teacher needs to be trained in his/ her profession , this is why ESL courses are important, this will help you to build confidence and master what you do. Call home : Every parents wants to know the behaviour of their child, always inform them when a student starts to show some signs of indiscipline. Have a good relationship with the student : A teacher is also like a second parents to his student , always build a good relationship with your students, sometimes you will need to have one on one discussion with them to find out their problem or try to find out if the work is being presented to their learning style, strength and interest. Seek for the help of other teachers: sometimes a teacher needs to work with other teachers to find out what works for them , either their classes or previous years. A little scolding - Bear in mind that sometimes especially with young learners, a teacher needs to scold or shout , especially when there is an eminent danger, for example, when a teacher sees a student with hurtful object like knife, needle, razor blade , fighting and causing harms to themselves and others etc. At this point, a teacher needs to scold to signal to the student that it is dangerous and hurtful and the action needs to stop immediately . A teacher needs the students to keep quiet when he's working with a large group of class, or with a small group of students that he can handle quietly and want them to focus on him, or he is doing evaluation or working with students individually ,these are the aspects that are important and he needs to impose discipline so that he can get his job done without disturbance . For the large group, he can ask for a microphone to speak them. use loud speakers to suppress the noise or you can manually clap your hands to signal them to keep quiet but if you are in a small group, he can keep an angry look by frowning your face. Another technique is to keep silent and wait till the noise dies down, this can take 2-5 minutes (this has proven to be more effective than yelling ) and when they finally keep quiet, you can tell them that they weren't paying attention and that it's wrong . Secondly, ignore them. Another way to bring noise down is to ignore them completely . Focus on your papers while staying away from them, this will take some minutes before they will realise that their teacher has stepped away from the activities , and this will make them understand that you are not happy with the noise. The last but not the list, is on the aspect of distraction with mobiles, a teacher can ask the students to put away their phones or he can simply ask them to drop the phones in a plastic bag or bowl very close to his/her watch , with their names on it until the end of the lesson to avoid disrupting the class. But bear in mind that this can come after the teacher has issued several warnings without effect . Now, don't forget that a teacher needs to pay attention to his/her actions at all time. We are living in a world where all that you do counts,there are hidden cameras everywhere and and everyone is watching , so physical punishments are not allowed . Time has changed and therefore , it's no more needed. But at the same time, a teacher must remain focus and retain his/her enthusiasm whatever happens in the classroom .