Teach English in Lijiahu Zhen - Dezhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lijiahu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Dezhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Class management is a dynamic process. It is a process of organizational activities in which teachers use certain means and measures to lead the whole class to plan, organize, coordinate and control the various resources of the class to achieve the educational purpose. It reflects the two-way activities of teachers and students and is an interactive relationship.Classroom management is the skill of organnising and managing the class, Effective class management has a very important influence on students'learning effect. Effective class management helps to achieve teaching objectives and improve learning efficiency. The fundamental reason for class organization is to implement teaching activities more effectively. Therefore, the main function of class management is to use various teaching techniques to carefully design various teaching activities, organize, arrange and coordinate the activities of different types of students. Effective class management helps to maintain class order and form a good class style. Class is the basis of all students'activities and the main place for students' communicative activities. Therefore, it is the basic function of class management to mobilize the enthusiasm of class members to participate in class management and jointly establish a good class order and a healthy class atmosphere. Effective class management helps to train students'abilities and learn to take care of themselves. There are basic interpersonal contacts and social connections in class organization, and there are certain organizational levels and division of work. Therefore, in class management, it is an important function of class management to help students become self-reliant, self-supporting and self-governing people, to help students learn social roles, to acquire the ability to understand society, to adapt to society, and to promote students'personality growth. There are some principles to be followed in class management. Including the principle of full staff incentive, the principle of independent participation, the principle of combining teaching and management, the principle of parallel management, the principle of coordination and coherence. The principle of full staff incentive is to encourage the whole class to give full play to the potential of intelligence, physical strength and other aspects, to achieve individual goals and class goals. The principle of autonomous participation refers to the participation of class members in management and play the main role. Teacher is a great profession, not only a profession, but also shoulder the great responsibility of cultivating the flowers of the motherland. How to be a good teacher can be roughly summarized as: a good teacher should have love and patience, like teaching, can constantly stimulate children's interest and motivation in learning, can establish good teacher-student relationship with students, discover students'strengths and weaknesses in learning, and implement personalized teaching.During a typical lesson a teacher will have some or all roles. Teachers play many roles in the process of teaching, such as managers, controllers, organizers, facilitators, participants, judges, role models and so on. Every role is very important for a qualified teacher. Teachers should constantly improve their teaching methods. As a student, I deeply realized that a good teacher has a very important influence on children's learning and personality development. A good teacher usually has a lot of successful experience in class management. When we go to school, there will always be teachers we like and teachers we don't like. What kind of teachers do we usually like? Most students like teachers who are patient, active, humorous and have a harmonious atmosphere in class. Teachers for us are not only teaching and educating people, but also our good friends, which we call good teachers and good friends. Their class management is very successful. Class management methods and models are not unchanged, we should be flexible to grasp the basic situation of the class. It should be implemented according to the actual situation of the class. Class management plays a very important role in teachers'teaching. How to carry out class management is a method that every teacher must master.