Teach English in Yunxing Zhen - Datong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yunxing Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Datong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Discipline is an important aspect in our daily life. To be successful a person should possess some discipline such as waking up early, taking care of his or her health by choosing the right food, doing regular exercises, making the right decision at the right time and the list can go on. Failing to discipline ourselves will not bring a good result in the end. In the same way, to succeed in the classroom discipline is important both for the teachers and the students. The teacher’s role in this regard is significant. Teachers need to set some standards that students should abide by. A list of standards as per institution’s guidelines should be provided to students in the beginning of the course and the teacher will enforce disciplinary codes through out the course. When students are aware of the expectations of teachers in terms of rules then it will be easier for teachers to deliver lessons. Without discipline, there are high chances that class can be disruptive, and it will be difficult for the teachers to get across the lesson. A classroom without discipline is not an effective environment for learning. To ensure learning to be successful students need to be disciplined by the teacher. When students miss class or do not submit assignments, they are depriving themselves from learning. If teachers neglect these kinds of students, possibilities are that they will get used to not doing assignments on time and missing classes as they do not see any consequences. In the end, the students will end up finding themselves at the border line of failing the course. On this kind of occasions, discipline should play a major role in bringing them back on track and the teacher needs to address the students as soon as they deviate from learning. To get the best results from students, there is no alternative to maintain discipline in the classroom. As teachers, we also need to abide by disciplines by following some rules such as being on time, following lesson plans, accordingly, sticking to the topic and finish classes on time. Also, checking assignments, returning test papers on time shows that a teacher is respectful of the timeline. When students see that teachers are disciplined and follow rules, it will motivate them to be disciplined and obey rules and regulations set by the teacher. By following discipline, the teacher can become a role model for the learners. A teacher should never sacrifice discipline over anything. To achieve the course goals, discipline should be the first and foremost factor in a course. To maintain discipline in the classroom, teachers should be firm but polite. There can be occasions where some students may not want to follow the rules set by teachers. This can send a mixed message to the entire class and can encourage other students to disobey the teacher. As teachers, we should be aware of the students who can be disruptive and prepare ourselves to deal with them diligently. For example, a list of problematic students should be prepared, and one on one meetings can be scheduled. In this kind of meetings, the teacher should address the issues with the concerned student and a clear guideline need to be provided and the future consequences of bad behaviours should be outlined. In my classroom I follow two strategies with my students. They are from grade six and seven. I assigned two of my students as class monitors who would report back to me every week about the students who break the rules. I gave them warnings and talked about the consequences with them. If I do not see any change in their behaviour, I usually give them essays to write on or any kind of extra work. I prefer immediate consequences to set example for other students. Another strategy is to provide rewards to the students as much as possible. This strategy has worked well for me and provided good result for the whole class. One thing we need to keep in mind that while disciplining students we can not be rude by any means. Teachers should try to know the students by name and praise them when they do good in class. In this way students may form a rapport with the teacher, and it can help to have smooth course.