Teach English in Huquan Zhen - Datong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huquan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Datong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Managing a classroom is something that can be done in a number of different ways, I believe this all varies based off the teacher’s personality. A teacher with an introverted classroom would probably prefer to keep a more of a quieter classroom where students work in smaller groups or more to themselves. Thus, potentially creating a classroom that is more centered around giving out instruction or giving the students the information, they need and having them go from there but still provide assistance on a more individual level. Where as a teacher who is more extroverted would most likely prefer to run a classroom that is more energetic and active in participation. I imagine they would create more of a classroom that is dominated by classroom participation. Regardless of teacher style, unit 5 taught me that in order to effectively manage a classroom a teacher “must be able to inspire confidence in the students” and “must be flexible and change his/her role according to the activity and situation without being dominant or leaving the students uncertain.” Maintaining eye contact, gesturing, and a teacher’s voice is a simple yet crucial way to help maintain relationships with students. Eye contact with students can help a teacher keep discipline, ensure that students are engaged, and much more. Yet, eye contact that is being had in an activity that is not led by the teacher can be harmful to the student as they may fear they’re doing something wrong. Eye contact can often be a hard thing to balance as you want to find the right place behind glancing around at every kid and not staring a select few. From my own personal experience, a teacher who is provides timely gestures can go a long way in terms of providing positive encouragement to the student. For example, if a teacher calls on a student and the student feels unsure about their response, I found that as a student it can help build my confidence during that response if the teacher is nodding their head and even providing some sort of hand motion to go along with it. Supplying too many gestures may put you in a place where it begins to confuse your students if the meaning behind it isn’t obvious. In order to properly manage a classroom a teacher needs to be adept to a variation of different levels of voice projection, different tones to use, etc. When lecturing or trying to grab the classes attention, it can be beneficial for a teacher to be able to provide a higher level of vocation, but then be able to adjust it to a normal talking level once they have grabbed their attention so that it doesn’t appear as though they’re angry at the class. If you’re voice doesn’t carry the correct projection, tone, and clarity it may be difficult for you to make your instructions clear. As the teacher you are the leader, the lesson can be energized or quietened down by how you control your voice. You’re able to grasp and engage your students with the liveliness of voice or drive them to boredom with no monotoned one. How a teacher sets up their classroom is a major factor in how they wish to control their classroom. There is a lot that goes into it. Do you let the students choose their own seats? How do you set up your tables/desks? Both the questions I just listed are just a couple of many key questions that can and should be thought about when setting up your classroom. Allowing students to select their own seats can allow for an increased classroom morale as they are all sitting with their friends, but it forces the teacher to be more aware of classroom disruptions and be ready to shut down any unnecessary conversations. Seating, depending on your teaching style, you can group desks/tables together to allow (for more groupwork), have them arranged in rows (for more pair work), you can have them arranged separately (more individual work), or have them all focused on the front of the classroom. All different arrangements have its own pros and cons, it’s up to the teacher to figure out which arrangement can best compliment their teaching style. If disruptions arise in the classroom a teacher shouldn’t be afraid to move a student to a different seat in the classroom. The teacher has the authority to provide this discipline and can be used as a great tool to the teacher to create respect if done in a polite yet firm manner from the start. Managing a classroom isn’t easy, a lot goes into it. There is a lot you can do in the moment such as producing good eye contact, providing positive gestures, and an engaging voice to make your lesson a major success. There is a lot you can do outside of it as well by setting up your classroom in a way that will cater to the way you want the lesson to be run. Anyone can manage a classroom, it’s a matter of finding your own teaching style through finding the balance of verbal and nonverbal cues, changing your role, and sustaining discipline.