Teach English in Beijiazao Zhen - Datong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Beijiazao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Datong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I have taught in kindergarten and in primary school. In addition, during this time what I have learned is that kids master the most from the vocabulary. Vocabulary is the easiest way to prepare kids for the future. It is very important we teach students vocabulary every lesson. While, there is no way that they know all the vocabularies with meanings. With my experience, I have notice students cannot only learn from the words for example: cupboard. To make it easier and fun for them flashcards are the greatest way to teach. Of course, it is not always easy for a teacher do extra for kids as it takes a lot of time but at the same time, it is necessary for student’s development process. It is also true that vocabulary is a big challenge for pupil and its worst when it comes to make it effective and engaging. To help students learn words every day I teach them 20 words every week based on different topics, which can help them remember the words easily, and I use flashcards and videos to help me through out the week. I ask students to match the words with pictures as games to see how much they have learned. I change the game every week or even mix it to make it fun for me and the learners. Music has always been a great tool to help with memorization and that’s my all time favourite part is to sing lots of songs with them as we all know we can easily learn many vocabs from them so can the kids. For older students it is can be same at time but not always. I need to use different ways to help and one of the way is mnid maps. Mind maps activities allows students to think about vocabulary in several ways. It assist them to connect one words with another similar word. This leads them to think more in details and give them more ideas on vocabularies. Another good thing we can do we out students to succour them is to them personalized the own vocab list. In this way, students can pick out their own vocab words, not only will they be more motivated to learn them, but it allows the vocabulary lists to be personalized to each student, too. Another, very useful way to help are storybooks. Storybooks gives students lots of information all around the world and this lead them to the right way to learn more things around them and not only from schoolbooks. At the end, my point of view is to help student learn more vocabulary in a short period of time we need to play games, play songs and another source is a lot of drama and fun in class. In drama, they can move around and for drama, we can choose a storybook from where it will be easy for them to learn easy and quickly. Vocabulary helps students express themselves more precisely and sharpens communication skills. Vocabulary is very useful for oral skills too. The more they talk the more easily they will learn. We can give them a topic and us them to be in groups and do small conversations. Vocabulary knowledge helps students with written and spoken language production.