Teach English in Huangjia Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huangjia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teachers alone cannot teach their students everything. Often times, they need the help and input of their students’ parents. It is often said that learning begins at home. Parenting skills and behaviours have a positive impact on their children’s behaviour, confidence and their achievement in school. Having parents who understand the need for them to be actively involved in their child’s English learning is important. Parents should want to help students to learn. At the same time, they should do so without being overbearing. There are various ways in which a parent can help a student learn English outside of the classroom. Some of these ways include: being a good role model; being involved in parent-teacher activities; making provision for a good learning environment at home/encouraging students’ independent thinking; and helping students with homework or assignments. First of all, children are constantly watching their parents. The behaviours parents demonstrate will influence the way a child acts in the classroom too. Therefore, when a parent is enthusiastic and has a positive attitude towards the English language, this allows the student to emanate the same energy and attitude towards learning. Parents need to be good role models in the way they communicate and treat their children. Parents should teach their children respect, tolerance and kindness. If they don’t show these qualities, it does not help the student in knowing how to behave amongst his/her peers. It may also result in the student having a lack of respect for their teacher. A good attitude equals better learning. Parents also need to establish relationships with their children’s teachers. This will help the student to learn English because it leaves an open communication channel for the parent to ask about the child’s progress. Teachers can express to the parents (and vice versa) where the child needs to improve. Furthermore, the parent and the teacher may discuss what is or isn’t working for the student, as well as discuss certain concerns or any changes in the student’s behaviour etc. Not only do parents need to establish a relationship with their children’s teacher to help the student learn English, but parents may also get involved in school activities such as parent-teacher meetings, special events, activities and so on. Establishing a relationship with the school staff will also be beneficial to parents because it means they will be informed of the latest offers on the extracurricular activities available to students to help them learn English. It is important to establish these relationships, but taking note that parents shouldn’t be too close to students’ teachers. Close relationships can result in biased opinions and that could also hinder the progress of students’ learning. Although parents may not do as good a job as their children’s teachers, it is crucial however, to try to be just as good. Part of this means making provision for a good learning environment at home. Parents should make sure they don’t bother students when they’re learning. They also need to ensure that there are enough resources available to help with learning, and also be ready and willing to spend time with the students when they require help. However, as much as students require help with learning, sometimes they need to work on their own and be encouraged to have independent thinking. Parents may find that this means students might come up with unconventional approaches to learning English. Therefore, parents should listen to their children’s needs. If a student is interested in watching a certain TV show; or playing a video game; or going to the movies, or to the park or the museum etc, then the parent has to assess the request and see if it fits into the student’s ability to learn and improve their English. Of course, making provision for these things doesn’t mean that the students should indulge irresponsibly, but as a parent, part of helping students means listening to their interests and evaluating what’s appropriate and what’s not. Furthermore, when students do a good job, sometimes a “well done” or a “you’re so smart” compliment/comment just isn’t enough! In this case, parents may choose to treat students to something both fun and educational. It is important however, to remember to maintain discipline. This means that when it is time for the student to study, it means studying! Another way in which parents can help students to learn English is assisting them to do their homework. If the homework is tough even for the parent, this doesn’t mean that it should not be done. If a parent doesn’t understand the homework or cannot help, they can always look for help elsewhere. They may seek a tutor, or ask friends or even ask the fellow parents of students in the same class. Even though some parents can’t be literally involved in the completion of homework, however, just by going to extra lengths in ensuring that it is done shows the parent is interested in helping the student. Sometimes the students don’t even need help completing homework, and parents certainly shouldn’t spoon-feed the students when it comes to doing homework. Nonetheless, by checking the homework, it means the parent can monitor the student’s progress and ensure that they’re on track. When it comes to helping students to learn English, there isn’t a perfect way to do it. However, parents can only be encouraged to be supportive and to offer a conducive, productive and healthy learning environment for the students. It also helps to have a relationship with the student’s teacher as well as the rest of the school staff. Through these relationships, parents can find out about the extracurricular activities that may enhance their children’s English learning abilities. If students see the efforts their parents put into their education, as well as see their parents’ interest in their learning progress, then the students too, will have a positive attitude and be motivated to learn English.