Teach English in Guansheng Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guansheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If your students are not motivated to learn the subject you are teaching them,it is probably going to be a waste of their and your time. Students often say that school is boring ,but it doesn't have to be. We all went to school and almost everybody had a subject or two that we were not too interested in or not motivated to pay close attention to,and there might have been different reasons for that. Either there was no general attraction to the nature of the subject itself because we didn't think we are going to need that in our future,and it is just something school inserted in the learning program to fill up the hours we needed to spend in the classroom which is what I felt about most of the subjects through out entire time I spend in school. One of the reasons for lack of motivation is fear and insecurity of the student of overcoming the lessons being taught and finally ,subject itself. Some students have problems with mathematics or foreign language or even their own language, and if they are not catching up with the program like the rest of the class,for sure the motivation for learning more of it will fade as the time goes. One of the main reasons for lack of motivation in the classroom could be the teacher him or herself because it might happen that some of the students are able to follow the presented lessons much faster then the others and that is where teacher has to be able to recognize and adapt the flow of the lessons so everybody has a chance to be at the "same page" and feel equal. Teachers job is not only to tech students what is in the program but to motivate them by showing them importance of the subject they are teaching,by treating all of them the same and making them feel comfortable while doing that. By listening to our students and treating them like we want to be treated,rather then just telling them what to do we are showing them respect and it is also a great motivation and confidence boost for them. In this case we are talking about English language witch for me is one of the most important subject you can learn and should have the least effort to get motivated to learn because it is one of the most important tools you are going to need in life to succeed. English language is spreading fast and it is pretty much needed in every part of the globe for either doing business or just to be able to find your directions in foreign countries while traveling or even if decide to live in one. From my experience it helped me a lot in finding a very good job abroad ,getting higher positions faster and making contacts needed for future life and eventually in creating a family with the partner whose native language is different than mine. It is a duty of every teacher to be able to explain his students why it is important to learn what he or she is teaching them and by that motivate them even more to participate and to study even harder. The atmosphere in the classroom is also crucial to motivation of the students and it is mostly in hands of the teacher. You have to show enthusiasm towards what you are doing and what you are trying to teach and with spreading positive energy,showing creativeness and understanding ,give your students will to attend your lessons and pay great attention to them. We were all students once,and we all had difficulties getting motivation to go back to school every day and learn what was given to us,but as teachers we have to create positive environment for all students ,because if they lose motivation to learn ,we will lose motivation to teach. This course has made such a positive impact on me and I am really happy I took it, and hope I will get the chance to share my knowledge with the rest. Thank you.