Teach English in Gongxing Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gongxing Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Here I am going to run threw a few of the many "Stressful Situations" that ESL students may face in the classroom. Learning is not always easy as most people will remember from there time at school, college, university etc This can also be heightened when learning a second language and here are some examples. Learning English as a second language might come to some students a lot easier than others, they might have family or friends that have grown up learning and speaking English and therefore have been around it from a young age and have a head start on others, this can be especially stressful for students who are only just starting out and are maybe not as outgoing or confident as there peers and find it harder to engage with them for help or don't want to always be asking the teacher questions for fear of embarrassment in front of the class. Another example is ESL learners that are doing it for there job/work or to help them further there career. This group of people will be generally going to school after work usually at night, stress can be high for these people because as well as doing there daily job the study on top of that can be very tiring and hard to focus on at the end of the day.Also another example for this group is it could be hard for them to always fit classes in with there busy schedules which could lead to missing classes and falling further behind and possibly jeopardizing there job threw it. Next I will go over possible stressful situations for teenagers in the classroom. Students of this age can be less outgoing and happy go lucky as they were when they were younger as they go threw puberty, this can be stressful for ESL learners because at this age there's a lot of emphasis on "Being Cool" and not embarrassing themselves in front of there peers. They may find things like reading aloud in front of the class or having to act in a role play situation a lot more daunting than what it was like when they were younger which can cause anxiety and make them feel really uncomfortable.Also even for the more outgoing "cooler" students it could cause problems for them if their learning isn't as up to scratch as others and they could come off looking stupid to the rest of the class if they make mistakes or don't perform as well as other students therefore loosing face to there peers. Looking to the future as the world gets more technologically advanced and there's more use of computer devices, tablets etc in the classroom and also for use outside of class to get tasks, homework etc. done, this could cause problems for some students. Not everyone comes from the same background and while some students might be able to afford or get the use of these devices at home, others will not be able to.This could become increasingly stressful for reasons like they may fall behind other students cause of this, if they don't have access to these things outside of school they may have to stay in school longer so they have access to these devices therefore creeping into there time outside of school for, work, family, sports and hobbies.Also this can be generally fatiguing for the students brain because they haven't had time to rest and properly absorb the information they are learning which is always an important thing to remember. At the end of the day it is the teachers responsibility to be aware of the many problems that can cause stress for ESL students and find ways to deal with these problems accordingly so there students have the best possible chance for learning.