Teach English in Bailu Zhen - Chengdu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Bailu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Chengdu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Kristen Snider ITTT 120 Hour Course Summative Task 29 July, 2019 Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) is a burgeoning career path with myriad options for reaching students. TESL one to one, either in person or via video conferencing, is one of many interesting prospects for ESL teachers. Customizing lessons to suit an individual’s personal agenda, building new relationships, and helping someone achieve a dream are just a few of several challenging and rewarding possibilities. This method can be a perfect fit for teachers with certain personalities and/or circumstances, though it certainly has some drawbacks. So many teachers become teachers because they are passionate about their chosen subject. ESL teachers are enthusiastic about language and culture. They are excited when students respond well to instruction and are eager to learn. Teachers in any situation receive the gift of new knowledge and skills for themselves as they instruct. Yet, some who wish to teach have more introverted than extroverted personalities. A person with an introverted personality tends to be more comfortable in a one to one setting. Large group classes can drain his or her energy, while one to one lessons can energize and inspire the teacher as much as the student. It is certainly to a teacher’s benefit to establish rapport and build relationships with students of a culture and background different from one’s own. Classroom teachers get to do this, as well. However, working one to one is more personal. The teacher working with one individual has the opportunity to discover important details about the student’s aspirations and intentions. The lessons are, after all, tailored to fit one student as well as possible. This student also won’t be held back by “weaker” students in a class or intimidated by “stronger” learners. A good rapport between instructor and learners is critical in any successful English lesson. The student feeling confident and comfortable goes hand in hand. One to one ESL teachers might become specialized in a particular niche, just as a classroom teacher, yet one to one instructors have the advantage of tailoring each lesson to a perfect fit for the individual learner. Regardless of the purpose for learning English, needs vary among each student. Thus, lessons are planned around the learning pace of one student rather than adapting to many. There are new and experienced ESL teachers that desire a flexible or part time schedule. They can choose when to schedule and how long each lesson lasts. Of course, there must be students available to fill the teacher’s ideal itinerary. Prospective students are likely busy people with full days, something a one to one teacher has to consider when seeking clients. Teachers that wish to have a flexible schedule must keep in mind that consistency is important in establishing a rhythm to English lessons. Meeting students at a regular time on a regular day helps to keep lessons flowing smoothly. Where to meet one to one students, if meeting in person, could be an issue. When teaching abroad, some circumstances may be culturally inappropriate. It may be unacceptable for a woman to meet with a man privately, or to teach him at all. Thorough knowledge of the culture and social norms of the country or region in which one teaches is imperative in a one to one situation. This is true for any meeting place with any type of student. It is said that one to one students are known to frequently cancel lessons. Whether in person or online, one student not showing up for a classroom lesson is, for obvious reasons, less of a hassle than he or she not showing up for a one to one. There could be interruptions if lessons take place in a student’s home. For example, teaching a school-age child in the midst of parents’, siblings’, and possibly pets’ activities seems like too disruptive of a setting. It might not work. One of the most distinct disadvantages, however, is a lack of interaction with other English speakers and learners. In classroom ESL classes, teachers cut down their own talk time and increase students’ English interaction with games and activities in pairs, groups, or as a class. In a one to one lesson, teacher talk time increases and engaging the student in English speaking activities is completely up to the teacher. Study time is possibly made awkward if the teacher hands the student a worksheet and then ceases all interaction until it is done. A one to one teacher stays engaged with the student, even during assignments, for most of the lesson. Eliciting English one to one in a variety of ways is equally important to learning grammar, writing, and reading. Assignments that do not require speaking are best left for homework. Finally, but not exhaustively, the one to one relationship with some students might not work. Through no fault of teacher or student, there, on occasion, could be a better instructor for a particular student. Best to figure it out early and help him or her find a good match. Teaching ESL, especially teaching abroad in a totally new environment, is a wonderful experience—or aspiration. There are so many avenues to reach ESL students, and many different types of learners with varied goals. Teaching English as a second language one to one is a way to learn about individuals as well as the culture in which they reside. Though, like anything, it isn’t always going to work out perfectly, one to one ESL teaching and learning has truly delightful advantages.