Teach English in Xindian Zhen - Changzhi Shi

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In this presentation I would like to highlight the development and progress of the child with special needs. Normality refers to ensuring appropriate living conditions for special needs children, integrating them into society, assuring them the rights, responsibilities, accessibility of community services, and all other children. In support of children with disabilities in Madrid in 2002, a legislative framework was adopted to support the quality of life and services of people with disabilities at the European Congress. The main factors inherited in various types of deficiencies are: endogenous factors (genetic), and exogenous factors (occurring with the birth of the child). The most common deficiencies in children are: mental deficiencies, sensory deficits (hearing and hearing), language disorders, neuromotor deficiencies and learning difficulties. Mental deficiency is the most common among all deficiencies in 3-4% of the predominantly higher infant population in the male population. Developing a child with disabilities involves: physical development, cognitive development and psychosocial development. The ontogenetic development of the child with disabilities involves a dynamic and constructive process that goes from simple to complex, from action to thought, from prelogic to logic, through learning under the influence of socio-cultural environment. In the psychophysical development of the disabled child an important role is played by heredity, the environment and education. The stages of ontogenetic development are: the anteprescolar period (from 0 to 3 years), corresponds to the senseiomotor intelligence, having as a dominant activity the gestures, then the learning of the language. During this period, the child's relationship with the adult is based on a positive affective disposition manifested by smiles, playful gestures, love and affection. The pre-school period (from 3 to 6, 7 years) involves the preoperative intelligence stage. The child tries to gain his / her own identity, tries to learn as many things as possible, wants to have objects for himself, the game is nuanced and diversified. It is a socializing period, the child interacting very much with the social and cultural environment. The small school period (from 6.7 years to 10, 11 years), the stage of concrete thinking operations. Children work in the game, attention is more and more stable, logical thinking appears. The average school period (10, 11 years to 14,15 years), also called puberty, corresponds to formal operations when the child builds hypothetically-deductive reasoning more easily. During this period there are biological, physiological, psychological transformations resulting from endocrine processes. High school age (from 14, 15 years to 18, 19 years), adolescence, characterized by harmonious physical and intellectual development, independent and creative thinking. Self-image and self-esteem of children with disabilities influence relationships with others but also have an importance in self-acceptance. Self-image is a mental representation of one's own person who guides social behavior. The self-image includes: The Real Ego, the Future Self and the Ideal Ego. Self-esteem is about how we evaluate ourselves. For children with disabilities, self-image determines a complex set of adaptation and integration problems in the social environment and feelings of inferiority. Assessment of the child with special needs involves: observation, conversation, experimental method, activity analysis, school document analysis, sociometric method, self-evaluation, personality questionnaires, intelligence tests, aptitude tests. The assessment of the child with disabilities goes through an initial, formative and final stage, referring to norms, standards, criteria and to the individual. The specificities of the psychophysical evolution of children with disabilities involve the following elements: heterocronia, heterodegeneration, heterogeneity, social incompetence, genetic viscosity, inertia of upper nervous processes and verbal language, inability to concentrate attention, inability to fix the elements of a task, rigidity cerebral cortex, behavioral infantilism. Mental deficiency is divided into: limiting intellect (IQ 69), mental deficiency of grade I or mild (IQ 50-69), mental deficiency of grade II (IQ 20-55), mental deficiency of grade III or deep 20). The specific therapies for children with deficiency are: speech disorder therapy, dementia, educational and technological audiology, orthophony, labiolecture, spatial orientation and mobility, correction of neuromotor defects, behavioral psychotherapy. Educational-therapeutic activities are: cognitive stimulation, ludo therapy, occupational therapy, psychomotricity therapy and manual ability, personal and social autonomy. Subsequently, socio-professional adaptation is the last link in this chain. Thus, social adaptation and socioprofessional integration of children with deficiency refers to the possibility of individual choice, ensuring a working environment as close as possible to normality, providing support services and employing strategies. Children with disabilities go through a complex route to socioprofessional integration, but each child has the same rights and must benefit from all the services of the community to which it belongs, just like other children.