Teach English in Xiliuzhai Kaifaqu - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiliuzhai Kaifaqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I choose Class Room Management as my topic because I feel Once you are a qualified English teacher you need to know how to manage your class effectively to get a desired result of teaching. Some of the main procedures and rules which I learned through my previous lessons are mentioned below Know school guidelines for discipline procedures. Be fair, positive and consistent. Be the kind of person young people can like and trust—firm, fair, friendly, courteous, enthusiastic and confident. Keep our sense of humor. Provide a list of standards and consequences to parents and students. Make sure they are consistent with district and building policy. When in doubt, ask a colleague or your principal. Keep our classroom orderly. Maintain a cheerful and attractive classroom rather than a disorderly one which might encourage disruptive behavior. Get to know our students. Learn their names quickly and use them in and out of class. We will soon develop almost a sixth sense for anticipating trouble before it begins, but don’t act as though you expect trouble or will almost certainly encounter some. Let the students know teacher care. Determine jointly with the class what is acceptable in terms of behavior and achievement and what is not. Show interest in what students say, whether or not it pertains directly to the lesson. Treat students with the same respect we expect from them; keep confidences. Begin class on time and in a professional manner. Make learning fun. Make education interesting and relevant to the students’ lives. Poor planning and a full curriculum can provoke disruptions. Praise good work, good responses, and good behavior. Be mobile, moving around the room as students work or respond to instruction. Keep our voice at a normal level. Grade assignments and return them as soon as possible. Keep rules simple. Establish as few classroom rules as possible, and keep them simple. Acknowledge positive student behavior when it is not expected. Acknowledge compliance with requests. Acknowledge hard work, kindness, and dependability. Positive Discipline Teaches Logic When children make a mistake or when they misbehave, we as the teacher has the option to help the child learn from their mistakes. Students can think about their choices and what effect they had on the outcome. This will help them understand the cause and effect of the decisions that they made. When we use a positive discipline approach, one where you help the student understand the logic and reasoning behind their actions, you are helping them understand their actions. Rewarding Students for a Good Choice is Positive The goal of a teacher is to get their students to be intrinsically motivated. However, while this is a fantastic goal to have, every now and then it’s OK to be rewarded for a good choice. When someone rewards them for making a good choice then that is a form of positive discipline. They are reassuring us that we made a good decision. Focusing on Students’ Behavior Teaches Good Choice Making The positive discipline approach focuses on the students’ behavior and not who they are as a person. It uses language that gives students the chance to think about their actions. For example, Teacher don’t tell a student they are “Bad,” but we may say that their actions are not a good choice. Children have to make decisions pretty much every minute of the day, and when we use a positive approach, we are allowing that child to have the chance to modify the choices they make so they can feel good about them. The goal of using the positive discipline approach is to produce students who can think critically and make good decisions on their own. It allows students to learn and adapt to their behaviors in order to meet the expectations of their teacher. By teaching students (in a positive way) to make better choices, we are leading them on the path to success. To summarize A classroom management is very essential because It engages students: Students who are engaged in lessons and the learning material will be able to register the information better and be able to apply their knowledge when it comes to test taking. It keeps students prepared: When teachers and students are prepared to learn, lessons and learning will be easier to be administered and the results will be more effective. It boosts confidence: In an effective classroom, teachers are able to give more attention to each student and structure lesson plans to meet certain needs. All of these factors will help in boosting the confidence of students. I believe HAPPY STUDENTS = EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM!