Teach English in Xihuo Zhen [incl. Zhenxing Xinqu] - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xihuo Zhen [incl. Zhenxing Xinqu]? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The role of the teacher is the most important role within a classroom. This is because of the high amount of impact a teacher has on his or her students, as he or she is able to direct the classroom and provide a sense of mentorship within the course. Although students do have some responsibility for their own success in learning a new language, I believe that the teacher is still the most important factor in affecting students' comprehension of material. There are several reasons for why the teacher is mainly responsible for the effectiveness of a learning within a classroom, such as being able to organize a beneficial course structure that target different styles of learning, being able to affect student motivation for working on coursework, and maintaining attention to student progress and therefore helping solidify student knowledge. A teacher holds the responsibility of organizing a classroom in order to make the learning environment the most effective for his or her students. I believe that a teacher must maintain guidable structure throughout his or her course so that materials can be easily followed and comprehended. In my opinion, utilization of a lesson plan would help a teacher guide students throughout activities and materials. This could help students and teachers follow a goal in learning material. A teacher should be able to keep a classroom lively by providing activities throughout a lesson that would maintain attention of students with different learning styles. It is also important for a teacher to help students learn both individually and in group settings. Another role that would be favorable for a teacher to hold is a genuine personality that is able to motivate students to put in effort into their learning. In my opinion, I believe that a teacher should hold a personality that is both comfortable and orderly. If a classroom holds a comfortable and easy-going environment, then it will create a sense of rapport between students and their teachers. In this environment a student would feel able to ask questions when confused, confident in attempting to speak new language material, and able to participate in classroom activities. Having a comfortable and approachable environment is important for students' learning, however I also believe that a classroom must maintain order and that the teacher should occupy a stable leadership role. When a teacher is able to direct students and hold respect from the classroom, students may be able to follow directions without hesitation and respond to a teacher in a mannerly way. When both comfortability and order are promoted in a classroom, I believe that students will have an effective learning experience. In all, the role that the teacher holds in a classroom is one to provide knowledge to his or her students. In order to be sure that students are able to learn English, the teacher should check progress and understanding throughout his or her classroom. This can be done through verbal responses and also through written examinations. It is important for teachers to check on individual students' learning to be sure that new material is comprehended and that language is able to be successfully interpreted. If a teacher is able to maintain a beneficial role in the classroom by strategically structuring a classroom, demonstrating a genuine personality, and checking to make sure material is learned, then students will get the most outcome from their English learning experience.