Teach English in Sudian Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sudian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Having lessons all day must be very tiring for the students. They might not grasp all the ideas and the lessons that were given by their teachers. It must be very boring for them to just sit down and listen to what their teachers going to say. Studying almost 10 subjects everyday with different activities can exhaust the students mind because they might feel that they have too much on their plates. If they will feel like burned out from all the activities at school. They might have a heavy heart coming to school everyday that will lead them to have a poor performance at school. That's why it is important for the teachers to make the class lighter and fun so that the students won't think coming to class is just a burden. here are some activities that teachers might do in order for their students to feel happy and enjoy their time at their class. It's like a win win situation for the teachers because doing games related to the lesson can make the student understand the topic easily and for the students to have fun and enjoy while learning. This won't be just a game for them. It is one way of introducing the topics to the students in the most interesting way that they can think of. Here are some games that we can do in the classroom. First is Charades, This simple but classic game is a great way to encourage your student to get out of their seats and participate in the lesson. The group will select a student to stand at the front of the room and act out a word from your list (no speaking allowed). The rest of the class must then guess what the student is attempting to portray. Other students can shout out their guesses or put their hands up depending on your teaching preference! Whoever guesses correctly can act out the next word. A more challenging version involves the student describing a subject-specific word but restricted by a list of forbidden words, e.g. describing ‘habitat’ without using the words ‘home’ or ‘animals’. In this way students can move their body and excite them that everyone would be glad to participate. The second one is the Hangman, A traditional but interactive game which improves students’ spelling and subject knowledge, but is also enjoyable. divide the class into two teams then select a student to stand at the front of the class and think of a word related to the lesson (or you could give them a suitable word). The student must then draw spaces on the whiteboard to represent each letter in their word. The rest of the class then guesses the word, one letter at a time (allow one student from each team to guess alternately). Incorrect guesses result in a hangman being drawn (one line at a time). The first team to guess the word wins, unless the hangman is completed. The game then repeats with another student thinking of a relevant word. If you feel a hangman would not be appropriate then use a different image, either subject-specific or think creatively e.g. a spaceman or snowman. Third is the Scatter- gories. This fun game will encourage your students to think ‘outside-the-box’ and draw on a range of subject knowledge.Split students into small groups and ask them to note down the categories on their pieces of paper. Choose a letter (A-Z) at random and give students 1-2 minutes (depending on how many categories) to think of a word for each category, beginning with that letter. Once the time is up, allocate points for unique answers, i.e. if two teams write down the same word for a category then neither get any points. Repeat the game with different letters. Example: Letter M – Topic: Earth and Space Rocks: Metamorphic Landforms: Mountain Weather: Mist Solar System: Mars If the class has only small number of students then they could fill in the categories individually, rather than working in teams. Fourth is bingo, A quick and simple game which never fails to motivate students in their learning. Ask students to draw a 6 x 6 grid on their whiteboards or pieces of paper then select 6 words or images from the given list to draw/write in their grid. You must then randomly select a word from the list to describe, and students must guess the word in order to cross it off on their grid (if present). Continue describing different words until one student successfully completes their grid and shouts ‘bingo!’ (you can also award a prize to the first student who gets 3 in a row). Students can insert their own subject-related answers into the bingo grid, but this makes it more challenging for you due to extensive word choice and ambiguity. Also, if you have more time, then you could create your own bingo boards with specific vocabulary or concepts you are covering in that lesson (reusable). and the last one would be the puzzle, This creative group game encourages students to work together and visualize academic concepts in an abstract way. Separate your class into groups (or simply use table groupings) then hand out a puzzle for each group to piece together. The students can create their own puzzles on the computer or drawn onto card/paper for their peers to complete. there are plenty of ways on how we can make the class fun and exciting while learning, using the creativity and willingness of the teachers, students will think that learning is fun and enjoyable too.