Teach English in Shuzhang Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuzhang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Children are precious gift from above. In its supernatural form, they are regarded as angels, miracles and the cute little ones. They go forth running around, playing and roaming endlessly. They are adorable and wonderful carefree beings! We all go through being a child. Each one of us has a unique childhood experience. We evolve and develop differently but a lot of factors affects the growing up process of a child. These include family, genes, home, environment and psychological perspectives. Basically, child development has its own stages from newborn to toddlers and to adolescence. Why is child development is important? As we all know , the first two months is crucial. Infants don’t know how to communicate or express themselves .They start with the reflexes and thereafter continue to slowly develop the sensory stages such as hear, touch, smell and taste. As they grow they evolve amazingly, I believe child's development comes with a constant care, proper guidance and stimulation which enable parents to have the responsibility as well as privilege. They play a huge role in child’s every milestone. The child’s ability to learn through social, emotional, speech and language skills which greatly affect the overall being of a person. A parent should be in particular and decisive for their children as well as growing up procedures. Most of the parents’ standard of today is to put their children in a childcare facility or playgroup. Even non-working mothers who have four children at home often make this decision due to the lack of time for themselves or they simply want to divide their time for each children, for friends and husband. I have often witnessed several misunderstandings between the husband and the wife arguing about who is in charge of taking care of the babies, supervising the toddler and pre schooler. Here comes the point of making the decision to put their toddlers into playgroups which is both beneficial for children and parents. They want their children to be in a childcare centre for the reason that they want them to build social interaction and fulfil their daily activities in the centre independently. There is also a difference between tutoring children at home and in the centre, because they tend to play around more often due to lthe ack of focus and boredom. Most of the time, they have quarrels with their siblings too. While in the centres, the benefits of reading books, the credits of playing alphabets and the advantage of singing nursery songs are all educational activities which are highly fundamental for the child’s IQ development. They learn to manage their thoughts to classify mental structure so that they form a better understanding whenever they feel bad and when they feel happy spiritually. They continually progress their ways of thinking and rational existing idea concepts about societies morality, failure and love. Children continue to grow and change. This plays an important role in the developmental behaviour, sensory motor and mnesic abilities of a child. The parent’s role here is to develop positive bonds and positive influences which are greatly encouraged during this stage as children are the future of the next generation. They should be raised up in a proper and civilized way. Early childhood development programs are effective and should be considered by parents. This will have a good impact in their adult life. To sum up, kids are considered as a mirror of the environment. It's purely up to to the personal upbringing of the family how the child is turn out to be. Our society should be supposed to have a participation by setting a good example for the children to be more compassionate and for the better of their future.