Teach English in Liyuan Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English to children online requires some skills and techniques as young learners do not learn language as quickly as adults. Few very basic requirements a to have proper tools like laptop or PC ,good internet connection and headphone. The teacher should be properly dressed and sit in a well lit place . To teach children one has to be very understanding, have empathy towards their learning problems, have lots of patience as children have very short attention span. They have the tendency to lose interest very quickly. Teachers should have very friendly tone, should always keep a smiling facial expression and should be very encouraging. First of all a teacher should categorize young learners or children into two age groups.- 5to8yrs of age and 9to 13yrs of age. Both have different likes, dislikes and requirements to learn English. Along with the children ,the teacher should initially interact with their parents and guardians. This helps a lot to understand the requirements of children ,their cultural backgrounds and expectations of parents from teachers and children both. Parents can help teachers in making them understand their children’s behaviour, strong and weak points. This helps teachers to prepare lessons accordingly and what techniques are to be used to teach the particular child. The teacher should also make the parents and learners aware of what and how is to be taught, and what all they can expect from the classes very clearly. The children should be tested first with basic tests to understand their language level. It helps in lesson planning and understanding how to teach them effectively. Lessons should be prepared before starting the online class. The teacher should always prepare student centric lessons. Using songs, rhymes, pictures games etc should be used to teach. Pictures are very helpful teaching technique. It helps in learning vocabularies very effectively. The children can be given tasks to draw like animals, flowers etc or make different things according to subject taught and in the next class they can be asked simple questions related to that. This will help in learning related vocabularies and pronunciation. Very young learners are very active physically ,so to keep them attentive the teacher should have lesser talk time and encourage children to talk more. Asking them questions and encouraging them to talk more. Encouraging them to be very creative with their language is important. Playing Games as a teaching method is usually loved by young children. These techniques help them to learn effectively Teachers should prepare everything beforehand to avoid wasting time as online classes are very time bound. This also important or the children might lose attention in class. The teacher should be well versed with the lesson and should try to answer the questions asked . Teachers should be honest with their learners. They should let know if they do not know the answer of any particular question and should tell them when and how they can answer them like in an hour via e mail or in the next class . This helps the learners to trust the teacher. The children should be given tests regularly to evaluate their progress. They should be praised for their good results and should never be insulted or pass sarcastic comments . This is very damaging and demotivate them. Teacher should try to finish some tasks together while letting the children do the most work . This helps in encouraging them to take initiatives and learn more. Different charts should be made to teach grammar, parts of speech ,usages of words, spellings ,meanings and how to pronounce etc. These charts help the young learners to remember easily. The teacher should always ask whether they have understood whatever have been taught or not. If they have not understood, the teacher should very patiently teach again and if need be adopt different technique to teach . Various internet sites are there to provide teaching materials and techniques . These sites should be referred to from time to time to improvise the teaching methods. Parents should be appraised of their children’s performances ,weakness and improvements regularly via e mail . Teaching children is easy and satisfying as the progress can be seen easily. But at the same time it is difficult to keep them attentive and keeping up with their changing moods is tough.