Teach English in Huangnian Zhen - Changzhi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huangnian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Changzhi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I taught first grade or kindergarten for five years right after I graduated from college. I had varying sizes of classes. Some were very small classes of nine students up to my largest class of thirty-four students. There were many different personalities and learning styles in my classrooms. I was able to complete different types of learning activities with my nine students in a big classroom than I was with my class of thirty-four students in a cramped classroom. One of the things I learned from teaching was make sure everyone can see and hear you when you are teaching. In a class of nine students that is easy unless they are spread too far apart. With thirty-four students that can be more of a challenge. I had to make sure that all students had a good view of the board and that my writing was large enough to be read in the back of the classroom. I also had to make sure that my voice was loud enough so that every student could hear me. Classroom discipline was also very important. I needed to make sure the students were paying attention and engaged in the lesson. That meant that the lessons needed to be interesting and involve the students. Without this there would be many distractions and not much learning taking place. Content of the lessons that I prepared was crucial to the success of the class. They need to be relevant, interesting, and contain necessary information. The activities that accompanied the lessons were meant to reinforce the content learned. It was important that they engaged all the students and that I could access from the activities whether learning had taken place. Assessment is also very important. Some ways to check if students are learning is through tests, projects, activities. Some good activities are games, role play, and worksheets. I have also had the opportunity to travel to Cambodia twice in recent years and teach non-native English speakers. Much of my teaching knowledge I was able to put in practice on those trips. I also learned that it was very important to speak clearly and slow enough for my students to be able to follow what I was saying. Sometimes I would speed up and talk quickly like I was talking to someone with English as their native language and I would have to catch myself and slow down again. I also realized that students in English classes needed to grouped by ability not age. My class was done by age and there was a wide level of English in the classroom. Some student had just a few vocabulary words down and others could read simple sentences. That made trying to find lessons that everyone could do hard. I would definitely try to change how the classes were formed if I had any say in the matter. All of these experiences have helped make me the teacher I am today. I have benefited from teaching in several different circumstances. I look forward to using the wisdom I have gained as I teach future classes.