Teach English in Handian Zhen - Changzhi Shi

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Punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behaviour that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable. Basically from this definition, punishments come after committing a wrong doing or violating a law, so there will be no punishment if violation does not occur. Most punishments meted out in schools and at home are corporal punishments, but what is a corporal punishment? Corporal punishment in the context of schools in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been variously defined as causing deliberate pain to a child in response to the child's undesired behaviour, purposeful infliction of bodily pain or discomfort by an official in the educational system upon a student as a penalty for unacceptable behaviour, and intentional application of physical pain as a means of changing behaviour. Education experts also define corporal punishment as a form of reprimand such as caning or flogging which some parents and teachers utilise to correct recalcitrant and errant children. These punishments have adverse effects on the students be it physically, emotionally, psychologically, etc. Smacking or spanking pupils is not new in many schools around the world. However, there is a raging debate about whether or not corporal punishment should be adopted as a correctional method of raising responsible pupils. This controversial punitive practice widely adopted in school settings has generated more concerns especially as it worsens the physical abuse of pupils. Recent cases of serious permanent injuries, or even deaths of pupils (in some part of the world according to my research) caused by corporate punishment have seemingly justified those calling for its abolition. There are conflicting views on whether corporal punishment is a proven useful tool for teaching pupils to behave well. Punishment meted on pupils were not usually commensurate with their wrongdoing, as some English teachers cannot contain their anger or emotions when the students do wrong so they end intentionally punishing the student(s) in question. The psychological trauma, faced by children who experience physical abuse in the guise of corporal punishment, could last a lifetime, some may develop an inferiority complex, other forms of personality disorders like avoidant personality disorder and attention-seeking personality, their ego may be tarnished or may become a bully to others. Subsequently, I am an advocate that the best way of dealing with school misbehaviour is by preventing it. Schools with good discipline not only correct misbehaviour but also teach appropriate behaviour and coping skills. Rules must stated clearly and explained from time to time to the students and the teachers as well. Beautiful stickers and banners can be designed and erected in the classrooms and school premises. However, no matter how clear the rules are in the school; children will always be children, there will be a time when they will break the rules. So, what are the possible ways to avoid punishments and what are the alternatives to punishments in the classroom. I cannot mention all but I will explain some based on my research, opinion and personal experience in the classroom as an ESL teacher. The prevention strategies include; establishing clear behaviour expectations and guidelines, focusing on student success and self-esteem, seeking student input on discipline rules, enforcing rules with consistency, fairness, and calmness, planning lessons that provide realistic opportunities for success for all students, closely monitoring the classroom environment continuously to prevent off-task behaviour, student disruptions, and for providing help to students who are having difficulty and supplemental tasks to students who finish work early. These above strategies have been proven potent in aiding students to behave well and also avoiding punishments in the classroom. Children who are sad, confused anxious or angry cannot concentrate on the work or play they need for developing their potential. Research shows that children who are disciplined at schools in alternative ways, without being hurt, do better at school than others whose teachers use physical punishment. Then how about the alternatives? Teachers are advised to give praise children when behave well, this encourages them to model their behaviour on positive reinforcements and also encourages self-discipline. Guidance and counselling methods can also be used more effectively with older children, in these situations, call on a relative if needs be, one with whom a child has a special relationship or an older person in the family for whom the child really has respect for. Ask this person to discuss the negative effects on the student’s behaviour. We can also take away privileges (for a while though), however teachers need to be careful with this strategy, a student may not be allowed to partake for long as punishment in an activity but he must not be avoided at all. Make it clear when the privileges can be earned back if they behave well again. We can also ignore some mild misbehaviour; selective ignoring can actually be more effective than spanking. This does not mean we should look the other way if the student is doing something dangerous or inappropriate. Several methods can be applied in the classroom and the school generally depending on the circumstances. Children are fragile in all aspects; we must be careful in handling them because any action we take on them has an adverse effects on them.