Teach English in Shuiluopo Zhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuiluopo Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management skills of a teacher is extremely important in a classroom because it is only when the classroom is managed effectively, that learning will take place for the students. Imagine a classroom without order and discipline, where students can do whatever they want to, how can learning can take place in such an environment? However, classroom management skills are skills that teachers acquire and hone over time, as they acquire experiences in managing different kinds of students - students with behavioral problems, with learning difficulties or for teachers teaching the younger children; those children who are overly enthusiastic in volunteering information and who will not stop talking. The list is endless. Classroom management is a lifelong learning journey for the teacher. A classroom is dynamic and that is what makes teaching fun and exciting. You can never expect what you will get from the students, especially when you receive a different batch of students every year, or every 2-3 years. But a teacher must ensure that classroom is managed well so that effective learning takes place and the teacher enjoys his/her job. One of the keys in managing classrooms well is relationships with the students. When the teacher has built good relationships with the students, the likelihood of respect for the teacher will be high and we can expect that students will be willing to listen to and obey the teacher. To build good relationships, the teacher must display genuine care and concern for the students. As a saying goes, “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” To build relationships, the teacher must also be intentional in getting to know the students and make efforts in maintaining the relationships. This will take time but is definitely worthwhile in the long run! To gain respect of the students, the teacher must be consistent in meting out rules and consequences of behavior so that fairness is displayed in the classroom. The one thing that will put students off is favoritism and inconsistency. Ensure that undesirable behavior is addressed. If not, the children will be confused as to what the standards of the teacher are. This will add to the confusion and misbehavior of the students. A structured learning environment which includes clear, reliable routines and procedures will help the students, especially the younger ones in their learning. Reinforce them daily in the classroom so that the students get into the routine of things. Once a routine is established and the students are clear about when to do what and be independent in learning, the teacher can have greater flexibility in executing simultaneous activities, and to carry out differentiated instruction. Make lessons engaging. One of the reasons why students misbehave in classrooms is because they are bored and disengaged. If students are effectively engaged during lessons, they will not have any opportunity for any mischief in the classroom. Detailed lesson planning is important so that there is clarity in the flow of the lessons, and it helps the teacher to be structured in the lesson. Students are sharp and will be able to sense when teachers come into the classroom ill-prepared. This will disengage the students. Research has also shown that happy children make better learners and can achieve better grades. Teachers are the key in influencing the atmosphere in the classroom. By creating a positive and supportive environment for learning, the teacher is actively modelling how they would like children to behave. Truly, teachers are the role models and “heroes” for children in the early years of their learning. Teachers need to remember that children will emulate the behavior of the teachers, therefore modeling is important. To create a positive and supportive environment, teachers can offer praise for jobs well done, reinforce positive behaviors rather than emphasize on the negative, hold parties once a while to acknowledge and celebrate students’ hard work. All these will contribute to a positive and supportive environment. The above, I believe are some of the keys to effective classroom management.