Teach English in Pangjia Zhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Pangjia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When relevant to teaching English as second language.There are some common problems happened in classes, this phenomenon is normal and it should be understood by qualified teachers, teachers should accept this challenge and be well-prepared. How can we handle with the trouble arisen in classes correctly and successfully? This is what we will discuss below. At the very beginning, teachers should be aware of this problem and have a good mental preparation, which means a good attitude to troubleshooting rather then ignore or give up solving problems. Actually, the class effect would be totally different depends on teachers attitude. the solutions to fix troubles no need to be too complicated. 1. The first step and necessary step is relationship between teachers and students. Establish rapport with students benefits the whole class, students will cooperate teachers during the class if you've earned their trust, it also helps you to find out student's strength and weakness, aspiration and their English level which in favor of the teaching. There are so many ways to establish successful connection with students like questionnaires and games.Teachers should try creative activities rather than just resort to course books. 2. Different levels in one class is inevitable,even the same level, students' learning ability is different. For this problem, teachers should be familiar with balance and use resources flexibly. Teachers can pair strong students with weak students, assign different materials according to student's level or give different tasks with the same material. The key point is to make strong students bored or weak students frustrated, engage them with right method so that all students enjoy the learning process. 3. Teachers may encounter there are a huge number of students like English corner or some parties, seminars, it is essential to control large classes for teachers. teachers need to pay attention to clarity so that the whole class can follow up the teachers instructions. as for conducting a successful class with so many students, teachers can use choral repetition, pair or group work, appoint group leaders, or worksheets to make sure all students involved to the class. 4.It is easy to notice that students tend to use native language during the class, to solve this problem, teachers need to figure out the reasons, for students, they will use native language when they are confused with the content or feel unable to express in English. they didn't do it on purpose but resort to native language instinctively. To avoid this trouble, teacher should make sure the level is appropriate for students and give clear explanations to the whole class. remind the students constantly to help them form a good habit of learning English. 5. Some students they are not motivated or reluctant to express themselves actively, that's teachers' responsibility to encourage them to speak. But teachers can't just force students to say English, using pair work or role play to relax students, they won't feel embarrassed when they are not able to produce language, controlled practice is essential for students' speaking. Once they have confidence in material, they have courage to try to speak out. 20:57Susan Su 6. Listening problems, this is common to all second language learners, how to help students to improve this receptive skill? Students should be exposed to language environment. teachers should select the listening text carefully and pre-teach some difficult vocabulary if necessary. In brief, teachers should take the initiative to solve troubles in classes in order to makes sure the smooth of the class using different methods, it takes time to master some methods and control the whole class successfully, there is no need to worry about troubles, face it with correct attitude and always be prepared, be creative and flexible occurs to troubles, don't be rigid and just resort to books!