Teach English in Matou Zhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Matou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Grammar and the correct usage of it is a vital part of all communication whether spoken, written or read. It allows the speaker to correctly convey their message or ideas and for the listener to understand what is been said. Been able to communicate is not just about speaking or listening but been able to do this correctly and therefore the usage of grammar and how it is constructed within a sentence is important to know. Grammar develops effective communication skills and assists in fluency in the language. With technology today slang and the shortening of words seems to have taken over and that is why learning grammar is fundamental in keeping a reputation of intelligence in both your private socialization or within a business environment. Learning English grammar can be scary to even an English speaking person but even more as a second language learner. Grammar is the forming of sentences correctly using the parts of speech, punctuation and the tenses. Understanding the parts of speech such as verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives etc. and how they are used within a sentence plays an important role to the meaning and understanding of the sentence. If you take the noun it is made up of several types such as common, proper, abstract, compound and collective but they are all naming words describing people, places or things. A basic sentence is formed with a subject and a verb. From thereon you add in the nouns, adverbs and adjectives to give more description to the sentence. The usage of the three tenses plays a great part in forming a sentence between two time periods. When having a discussion relating to an event either past or forthcoming one needs to use the correct tense with the correct form in order for what is been discussed to be understood. The three tenses can be very complicated and daunting to the one learning but a few basic rules allows for this to be understood when putting to use. Punctuation is another important role when learning grammar. The importance of how punctuation marked is placed within a sentence could be vital when giving or performing a task. For example, the incorrect usage of a comma in a sentence could change the sentence meaning completely. If used incorrectly when giving a written instruction it could ensure that the task is performed and completed incorrectly. The English language also has many words that sound the same but have different meaning and the spelling of each differ of one to the other. Incorrect usage of the correct word when written could leave the sentence having no meaning at all or been completely misunderstood. Pronunciation plays another vital role when a discussion is taking place between two or more people. If words are not correctly pronounced they could give a different meaning that what is been implied. Incorrect pronunciation will lead to misunderstanding. Incorrect pronunciation could also lead to the subject been understood in a different way than what is been expressed. Many techniques can be used when one is learning grammar. These can be in the form of role playing, crosswords, games, sentence building and several more. When teaching a student it is of vital importance that you show the student what you need them to do. If necessary repeat the instruction but always give examples of what is needed to complete the task. Monitor the student throughout the task but do not constantly correct them until the task is completed. When errors have occurred explain what the error is and assist in correcting them. Giving new tasks as homework will improve the accuracy. Students need to feel they are able to ask questions at any point needed and they will be comfortable in doing so if the relationship between teacher and student is good and consistent. Forming a good relationship starts with the first lesson. A teacher’s attitude plays a large role here. Understanding individual students and their needs, knowing their backgrounds and personalities plays an important role in how the student will adapt and feel at ease with the teacher and the class. In all classes there are students that are stronger than others. There will also be students that are shy or less willing to participate. These students need to be encouraged to join in on activities to help build their self-confidence and feel more at ease within a large group. A teacher should never pick on the weaker students as this will only assist them in been afraid to share their ideas. Poor grammar skills can lead to a bad impression on first time meetings or job interviews. It can lead to been misunderstood or as a sign of poor education or lack of intelligence. To sum it up, grammar is important and necessary in every aspect of everyday life and if taught and learnt correctly it will assist people of all ages and nationalities to communicate respectfully.