Teach English in HeliuZhen - Binzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in HeliuZhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What is the difference between teaching Monolingual vs multi lingual groups? Classes or group of students generally fall into two major categories i.e. • MONOLINGUAL GROUP – This group comprised of students living in their home country and all students speak in one common language. Here they learn English as a Foreign Language. • MULTILINGUAL GROUP –In this group students are usually living in an English speaking country, but are from various nationalities. Here they learn English as a Second Language. The main aim is to evaluate the differences between teaching these two different classes. There are several factors to be considered when dealing with multi lingual and mono lingual classes. Students coming to multi lingual class have different cultures, different language and no common language between them. Students attending monolingual class are often from same background and speak the same language. Both types of classes offer a variety of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of teaching monolingual group or classes are that the students are on same pace, as they speak same language, cultural background and so they almost experienced similar problems while learning English Language. It makes it easier for teacher to teach them in a group instead of individual. Any explanation of a problem faced by one student can help other students too. Students communicate in their mother tongue which some time proves as a huge advantage when they are doing group or pair work. In turn it allows lesson to run more efficiently. The biggest disadvantage to teach monolingual group is that the students find it easier to express their feeling or doubts in their mother tongue. The temptation or urge to speak in English is less, which leads to decrease the desire to learn English. In monolingual classes students may often be in the class out of compulsion not out of want. And chance of practicing English Language outside the class is very rare as all of them have another common language to talk. Advantages of teaching multilingual group are that students are forced to speak in English out of need of communication with each other or with teacher, as it is the common ground which everyone possess. Such types of classes are usually held in English speaking countries where students are exposed to usage of English even outside the class. This gives better exposure and hence resulting in passive learning along with active learning in the classroom. In such group students are often more motivated as compared to monolingual groups. Disadvantages of teaching multi lingual group are that students less likely to have similar grammar or pronunciation difficulties. In this situation teacher will have to work really hard to try and find out all potential issues for each students. Each student may face an individual problem and so student will need personal attention from teacher which will cause loss of time of whole class. Also because it is harder to communicate for a student, the class dynamic may suffer. Conclusion: Although each type of group has its own challenges to be faced while teaching. It totally depends how smart and efficient a teacher is to handle various groups.