Teach English in Xialiang Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xialiang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The importance of Story telling For English learning In Early childhood can not be over emphasized If you want your children to be smart,tell them stories.If you want them to be brilliant,tell them more stories.-Albert Einstein Children are known to innately have a love for stories as story is the oldest for of teaching. Stories gives them a sense of imagery,it teaches us about ourselves and other people also. It helps them to have a diversified form of knowledge and not a stereotype one as they are going to hear from different cultures,tribe Even nation. What Story telling offers? Story telling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.—Robert McKee The importance of story telling can not be over emphasized as it goes in long way in aiding the language learning of children.When you tell stories to children,it boost their verbal skills as they tend to see the way you speak and have the tendency to imitate you which will help them learn faster. When learning language,it is not just language that is learnt,but every thing pertaining to the culture of the language involved,and when you understand the culture of a language you can always add up one or two together when stranded.This implies to children learning in the classroom too,it is observed that mist stories ain't just stories alone,they include song especially rhymes and rhythm which helps to sharpen the knowledge of the children.During story telling,almost all the sense organs are involved as the children listen to what is being said,they can sing along when the song comes on,If the story contains picture,the sense of sight is used and if they touch the picture,another sense organ used. When children goes through all this,there is a trigger in them which leads to creativity as such.In the process of imitating,they can make mistake and create things of their own. Also imbibing all these stories accessories such as music helps to keep the student focused and avoid distraction while they are being taught. English language as such is divided into the speaking,reading,listening and writing. However,while telling story they are listening,while singing they are speaking and they can also be introduced to little reading even if they ain't writing yet.Furthermore,while telling stories it is also a medium to instill virtues into the children and teach them essentials and good morals. The use of story is also a good avenue to help teach the children dual language as you can always tell them in the language and interpret to them in English. Aside telling stories via the word of mouth,stories can also be told by reading to them. When you read to children and proceed to explain giving further details it helps the children to place necessary values on books and education at large with the sole aim putting in them a language learning spirit and passion. Conclusively, every student centered tutor must encourage story telling in order to arouse the interest of the target pupils or student of intermediate class. By so doing, students becomes more eager to learn and explore other languages just to know more. Story telling is actually a driving force to language learning and discoveries. Story telling is key to language learning and easy comprehension of other languages and the absence of it makes language learning a more difficult task.