Teach English in Tiexi Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tiexi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

By Sullivan Rhoads Imagine trying to build a house with wood, but you have no nails, screws, or glue. How would it stay together? It wouldn't, it would fall to pieces. That's what it would be like to speak a language without learning grammar. Your sentences would just be jumbled piles of words. As human beings, we can put sentences together- we can all do grammar. Learning how sentences are built, the types of words and word groups that makeup sentences is learning about grammar. Grammar names the kinds of words and word groups that make up sentences. It helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and exciting. All languages and dialects follow grammatical patterns that allow us to have effective communication. Improper use can affect the meaning and clarity of messages. An example is “Let's eat grandma” and “Let's eat, grandma.” The first example would communicate that we would be eating our grandma, poor grandma! The student needs to learn correct sentence structure, subject and verb tense, punctuation, and spelling which are all parts of speech. The parts of speech make up grammar. If we didn't learn about grammar our leadership, social lives, history, and education would all be significantly affected. If you don't learn the grammar of languages, you'll make errors, and you may sound strange to native speakers. If we are learning a second language like English, correct grammar is necessary. English is the universal language of the world, so we must have confidence and fluency while learning the language. Otherwise, we make mistakes like the above examples. If we travel the world and make these mistakes, a peaceful trip could turn into chaos within a moment. Grammar shows patterns and models of how to use the language we’re learning. When applying for jobs, incorrect grammar use can be a huge reason why employers dislike applications. While pursuing our education students must submit grammatically correct papers and expand their vocabulary. Getting good grades in college is essential to progressing and creating future leaders of tomorrow. Having “good grammar” can positively affect attention, concentration, expressive skills, storytelling, and reading and writing. All of these examples create powerful leaders. To effectively give direction as a leader, we must learn the best communication skills. So we must learn how to use correct grammar to communicate with the rest of the world. The rise of technology and texting leads humans to use incorrect grammar. We must continually be learning, or grammar will die with the language. Ways of teaching will be affected. Teachers jobs are to teach students the correct use of grammar to learn the language so they can become future leaders. Power in leadership comes from superior communication. Our sentences wouldn’t make any sense, and we would be lost in translation. No one would be able to understand each other, and the world would suffer fatal consequences. A message of peace could be misunderstood as an act of war. If grammar didn't exist, readers of stories wouldn’t understand what the author was trying to convey. Our stories of the past would be lost. We would have no ancient textbooks that detailed our history. Everything would change. Imagine you could wave a magic wand and eliminate the history of learning grammar. What would the world be like then?