Teach English in Tianchi Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tianchi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Acquiring knowledge requires an environment that is conducive to that aim, in which the student is at ease to experiment with the new ideas presented and finds enjoyment beyond the primary purpose, language acquisition is no exception to this rule. Learning occurs faster with a smile than born with frustration. Games can serve the dual function of presenting/imprinting new information and providing entertainment that allows information to more quickly be absorbed. Of course, careful planning must go into the games and their content to meet the goals of the lesson. The learning of a second language presents students with the question, of what benefit is this to me, due to the lack of regular communication in the new language they are acquiring. Games can give them the immediate satisfaction of an answer, that they learn to play the game more effectively. If considerate of the aims of the particular students and class, games can prove an invaluable tool to not only making learning more fun but creating long term acquisition of the target language. A game or role-playing can be a useful tool, but without planning and preparation, there is a potential for misuse of class time and ineffectiveness. A teacher must first consider the course as a whole, and the time allotted to each idea presented. From macro considerations, the teacher should look at each lesson, and how best to meet the objectives pre-planned. Within the lessen if a game makes sense and how it might be useful for students. They must consider how long they have in a class and what portion of the class to dedicate to the game. Games that require more preparation ad explanation are time-consuming and take away from class time. The teacher should also consider the number of students in a class, games have to be personalized to 1-on-1, small groups, and large class scenarios. The game must include all of the students actively and offer differing levels of difficulty so that students with different capabilities are benefitted. Finally, a teacher should be aware of what games are played in the culture involved and be sensitive to their needs. As described above, a game must be time efficient, able to be understood by students, able to be played with characters and materials available, and is best if it has a personal connection to the students themselves. A teacher should always be concerned with teaching to the student they have, special consideration should be given to the fact that students are adults rather than younger learners. Business English courses have an adult connotation, and as adults, they possess a particular reason for wanting to take an English course. The same games you may play with younger learners are not appropriate in an adult class and use of them may very well cause your students to feel that their time is being wasted. More consideration is required than just what game to play and how to implement/organize. The first priority should be given to the lessen objectives and then consideration of whether a game is practical and provides a benefit. Examining, which game best serves the objectives, and how individual classes have responded to prior use of games is necessary. A teacher should examine their own role in the game, will it be as a moderator or participant. A teacher must always be aware of the unique needs of the situation and strive to maximize the efficiency of in-class time. For many students class time will be their primary exposure to the new language. After completing the course it is a good idea to get student feedback on how useful they believe the games were to their aims. Asking what games they enjoyed the most and if there are any changes to the procedure or criteria for the game that the students believe would make the game more beneficial. In this way, a teacher can always be improving from past experience to better serve their students needs. Games and role-playing have added benefits beyond their initial purpose. By creating an environment that is relaxed and enjoyable, an instructor fosters peer-to-peer interaction. Hopefully, this creates friendships and a general interest in learning English. The creation of friendships between students provides the possibility of increased outside of the classroom interaction between pupils with a shared knowledge base and interest in learning the English language. Like any acquired knowledge, without continued exposure to the material, it may be forgotten. The founding of friendships may give students resource to refresh and relearn material they have forgotten. Furthermore, being able to use the knowledge they have acquired in a personal setting can encourage the student to expand their understanding in the future.