Teach English in Sian Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teachers need to evaluate students' progress and test them to see their level of understanding. It's essential to do this to give feedback to students and to understand their needs. You can conduct their evaluation through tutorials, evaluation by the students and tests. For more formal feedback there are also external tests that can be given. Tutorials are individual or groups of students that assess at the end of the class what they have done. It can be an assessment of one class, the week or of an activity that has been done. Goals for the future, student performance and any issues will be discussed during this time. Anything that should be highlighted or corrected should be spoken about during this period. Evaluations by the students is when students state their opinions about the course in written or verbal form. We can ask them a range of questions but it must be about the class, not the teacher. For example, it could be if the lesson was too fast-paced or what was the hardest information to retain. One should take the students' response under consideration and attended to in the following lessons. It is important to listen to and address any needs so you can create genuine interaction and address any underlying issues with lessons. It is not essential for it to be done in English it is important to hear students out. Lastly we see tests and there are many types. Student will be given tests all throughout their learning process to evaluate their progress to see at what level there at and to understand needs to be taught. There are seven different types of tests we learn about in the TEFL course. There are placement, progress, diagnostic, practice tests, then general external examination, Cambridge assessment and Trinity College London. A placement test purpose is to evaluate a students level of English so they can be placed in the correct class. They are tests that start out simple and progressively get harder. Progress tests are used to see what students have retained and what has been forgotten from the lessons. It allows students and teachers to figure out what needs to me revised in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Some teachers prefer non-formal testing due to the fact that they know their students and believe that they can observe their progress. Despite this it is essential for students to take test considering that most schools require it. Next we have diagnostic tests which are similar to placement tests because they are given at the beginning of a course but they help teachers understand what to teach in their lessons. To help a teacher, understand this they are similar in content to a placement test but more extensive. Following this we have practice exams which help students prepare for external exams. They should be in the same format as the external exam and should also be graded in the same way. These are very important because you can address in the class any weak spots that show through the practice test. General external examinations are the TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC. The TOEFL is an exam given by the United States and is required by universities in the US for non-native speakers. They make the test up of multiple choice, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and listening questions. Then there is the IELTS which is an internationally recognized exam and helps if you need to show your English ability in a study or work environment. Lastly, there is the TOEIC test is the most recognized test for English proficiency in the work-place in Japan and Korea and is gaining recognition in Europe. It has the same components as the TOFEL exam and tries to test you in a way applicable to the business environment. The last two tests are still external tests and they are the Cambridge assessment and the Trinity college London. The Cambridge assessment takes on about 1.5 million students and is an internationally recognized test for work and study purposes. There are five different categories and then for business English there are two different categories. They design the Trinity College London test for learners 16 and over who have decided to resided in the UK. It addresses day-to-day tasks, has authentic correspondence and tutor communication. There are many more external exams but these are the two most recognized so far.