Teach English in Shangbamiao Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shangbamiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is a very hard work. For being a teacher you need to have some special skills. Especially when you are a teacher who teaches different groups. In my summative task I would like to discuss the differences of teaching young learners and adults. With young learners you need to combine fun and teaching. As it is not possible to dictate or read lectures for the children. While teaching the adults the teacher need to do just the opposite. For adults you need to dictate, write on the board, make lectures. But again all the learners need to pass their lesson actively for them not to feel sleepy or bored during the lesson. While teaching young groups the teacher should take into account that the youth tend to have fresher and sharper minds but are lack motivation considering that they would prefer to be playing outside or painting. Just the opposite adults retain information as well however they typically are more motivated because of the fact that they have chosen to attend school. Although motivation differs among the age groups, encouragement is needed with both young learners and adults. Speaking about teaching the teacher needs to make discipline in the classroom both with adults and young learners. This will typically be an issue with beginning learners rather than adults, which falls back on the fact that, adults choose to show up for class and are chasing after knowledge. Discipline should be approached with patience, understanding. When dealing with young learners the teacher needs to make discipline understandable, it is more profitable if they understand why their action(s) is wrong thus decreasing the probability of repeating the action(s). The next important thing is that it doesn’t matter adults, youth and elementary students all the same, need to trust the teacher. Good rapport is essential for productive and positive learning. When teaching young learners, diagrams, posters, 3D objects and other visual aids are almost a necessity to help with understanding. While adults desire visuals to fill in the gaps, they can be neglected at moments. The classrooms of children have tendencies to be more colorful and decorative while the set up of an adult classroom will be simple containing a white board and desks. In both cases the teacher needs to know their needs and demands. What Young Learners Want Students at this level are just starting their academic careers. School may be intimidating for some of the students in your class so, in order to encourage everyone to participate, it is important to make your lessons relaxed and fun. These students will be learning very basic material but you can design creative lessons that get students moving around and speaking with one another. Young learners are generally very enthusiastic about songs, especially if they can sing along, and active games. The teacher needs to be sure to provide lots of encouragement and positive feedback, to create a safe, stress-free environment that everyone can enjoy learning in. In conclusion, adults and young learners vary in teaching styles however both groups and all people deserve respect. It is very likely, that if you approach both groups with respect, patience and kindness, undoubtedly, the same characteristic will be presented. The teacher, teaches, not only through the lesson by also through his/her character.