Teach English in Qiujia Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qiujia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English as a Global Language From my experience as a military translator, I have been a part of the global sphere for quite a while. Being a translator, I often look at the global environment as a changing and dynamic one, one that English is the target and prime language of global commerce, global communication, and global industry. Many people want to learn English from the need to know English to gain employment, to wanting to live in a country where they have more opportunity, to giving their children an advantage and better way of life. English is the language of global commerce, but does the student have to totally embrace English and forget their native language and culture? As a translator in the Middle East and in Slavic countries, I felt honored to be able to study, learn and know their native languages and I often wondered why they would want to learn English so badly, apart from the reasons stated above. Why would a student be so motivated to lose a bit of themselves and their culture? What did they find so visibly appealing about English? And how can I help them stay motivated, flourish them and increase their desire to be an English speaker? It seems that when I encountered young learners, they were like sponges to learn English. They learn it because it opens up new possibilities for them in the future, and it seems English is attractive, and “cool”. For the adults whom I translated for, it was part of all our work environments and the speakers needed English in order to interact with American military forces, or to obtain some type of continued assistance or resources. These are the most obvious reasons why many people need to know English. But after going through these lessons, I feel there may be a more positive underlying reason. Students need to know English to be able to interact globally, especially with the advent of social media. The world is getting much smaller and countries are now more than ever connected, and English is the language which binds all the processes and activities together. For example, the financial crisis of 2008 did not just happen in a bubble only within English speaking countries; other countries were affected by the crisis as well. Those who didn’t know English may have been financially affected by it because they didn’t understand and act quickly enough. They may have bought unstable products; they may know someone who lost a life savings. They may have wanted to help or they may have wanted to know what dire straits America really faced. These underlying reasons are very viable reasons in which to learn English. And it doesn’t stop there - we even need English as a the global and prime communication means in outer space. Overall, there can be so much that is said for learning English for global purposes. We as human beings are creatures that communicate, and communicating within a prime language is needed to make the world function and go around. Teachers play a huge role in teaching correct, acceptable English that the student can in turn use in a formal, informal and even colloquial environment provided they have the basic tools to do so. The teacher is a key instrument in relaying their native English onto the student; and the student then has the tools to be able to use that learned language in many different environments. For the student learning any language other than their own native language, there are challenging days, lessons and teachers. For the teacher, barring their own perceptions, they must think the same of teaching this incredible language to students. To teach and learn this global language, the key is adaptability and willingness to learn. Going through this course emphasized the unsaid perceptions and realities related to teaching a foreign language and studying it. I have been the student learning a foreign language and have been the tutor, teaching it. Either way, English as a global language and the need to speak it to open up new possibilities will always be as exciting to know - and the teacher and student who engage in instructing and studying it will be much better off for having done so!