Teach English in Mashi Zhen - Bazhong Shi

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Definitely, flashcards are great tools to teach the vocabulary in all levels, however some teachers may consider them as one of the most boring ways to teach and study. Personally, I think flashcards are most effective way to use for ESL classrooms. Especially in young learners’ classrooms they are most effective item to introduce new vocabulary and drill familiar words. Using flashcards in my preschool classes provides me more interesting and effective classroom dynamism. Bright and colorful, and large enough for kids, flashcards easily attract my young students’ attraction all the time. Having on one side the picture and the revise side the related words are suitable for all levels both for teaching words for basic level students and phonics in higher levels kids. There are many types of activities that I use with flashcards during my classes. I try to use all flashcards activities quick, easy and fun way, so not to spend much time on them and vary them. Below are some activities that I use for my young learners. Flashcard circles This activity equally suitable for all level kids. As I use flashcards with both picture and words on both sides, level one student play this game with picture side and higher levels with words side. How to play. Children sit in a circle and pass the flashcards to the next kids on the left singing a song. When teacher says stop they stop passing and each kid says aloud the flashcard he is holding. Basic level kids say aloud the words according to picture, whereas higher level kids can both demonstrate their phonics skills by reading the words. Also teacher can ask the students to say related sentences to the flashcards. (L1 This is a book. I have a book). (L2 BOOK. B says b, OO says [u], K says k) What to learn. As in all my classes I use themed songs, so this is a good chance to revise the song one more again. Also they can better understand phrases like fast, slow, right, left. Higher levels can practice their reading skills. Rocks in the river Suitable for all levels. Teacher puts flashcards on the floor and explain that they are rocks in the river. Kids should cross the river stepping on the flashcards. Students take turns and say the words on the flashcards. To make it more fun I ask my teacher assistant to pretend as sleeping alligator. Kids enjoy whispering the words and running away from sleeping alligator. Teacher I don’t have any suitable name for this activity, and decided to name it as a teacher. Created while I was teaching higher levels. This is a good activity for revision vocabulary that is taught already. I try to use this activity more for my higher level students to give them chance to speak and see how they are learning. How to play Teacher asks any student to come and be a teacher. The kid who pretends to be a teacher should teach the students reading the words on the flashcards. SCOOTER. SC makes the sound [sk], OO makes the sound [u], T makes the sound [t], ER makes the sound [er]. Also, I ask my students to ask related question to the vocabulary. -who has a scooter? How may scooters do you have? What to learn. During this activity I noticed how rich my kids’ vocabulary than I thought. They even use the same phrases that I normally use during teaching and was amazed to see how they try to manage the classroom like me. It was very funny to see my pretended teachers rewarding the other kids for answering their questions. ‘Coco, good job. Iroda, Coco gets one star’. Memory game or what is missing Suitable for all levels, even for my toddlers class. This activity is both fun for group play or individual participation. How to play Teacher puts flashcards on the floor and asks to memorize the flashcards after she asks student close their eyes. By this time teacher should hide of the flashcards and asks kids what is missing? The student who guesses the missing flashcards gets one point. Another possible way, teacher asks one of the kids to come to the board and turn back while one of the kids hide a flashcard. Student all together say aloud the phrase ‘Coco, what is missing?” great way to learn another phrase. As fast as rabbit Suitable for all levels I stick the flashcards on the board and ask 2 kids to play together. I ask them to be as fast as rabbit. I say the words and they should be very fast to touch the word and say. After I ask are they as fast as rabbit or slow as snail? There are many other activities that I play with my kids in the classroom. They are great way to study words and have the classes more interesting and fun for kids.