Teach English in Lingshan Zhen - Bazhong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lingshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Bazhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The English language originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers. When English colonization began, the language had begun to spread to the conquered lands. There are now English speakers in most countries around the world and the English language is now the most popular second language spoken in fifty five countries. Essentially English is a global language. English could narrow the political, geographical and religious divide throughout our world. The English language has been considered a dominant language from as far back as early colonialism where the colonised were forced to learn the English language (the native language of the colonizer). The natives then had to learn English in order to function as a part of the new society. They needed to acquire knowledge of the language of trade. This was imperative for efficient functioning in the new world (which was considered more civilized). That trend continues today. During this era English was also used as a tool to conduct international communications regarding Geography and how land masses should be divided. It was also used by religious leaders to control the masses. In today’s global economy numerous non English speakers now choose to acquire the ability to speak the English language in order to function in the Global marketplace. Indeed, there are thriving countries that do not use the English language as a first language but at the same time, many economists would agree that it would be beneficial to have the option. This is particularly because a majority of global businesses are already conducting day to day operations using the English language as the main means of communication. Transactions are simplified when an official language currency is in place. Of course some may argue that there is the option of hiring third parties in cases where there is a language barrier. However, over time bilingual and multilingual professionals will have a professional edge and will be preferred by employers. Additionally, sensitive information would best be handled without the presence of third parties, thus preventing information leakage. Corporations, governments or entities on a whole who are concerned with the security of intellectual property would find a sole official language currency quite useful. David Crystal, a British linguist, suggests that “a language becomes a global language because of the power of the people who speak it.” English is the most widely spoken language in the world. There are about 350 million native English speakers and 430 million people who speak English as a second language. Why is this? Could this be because people call English the international language of business? Many world renowned business schools are in English speaking regions. Many of the best MBA programmes are taught in English. Lets not neglect to mention English taught medical or law programmes that meet the highest international standards. There are many excellent practitioners of these disciplines who are graduates of English speaking institutions. Over the years, many non-native English speakers do English exams such as IELTS and TEOFL in order to gain access to English speaking schools or to successfully migrate to an English speaking country. The demand for English speaking professionals is increasing and with it an increasing acknowledgement of the fact that English is a Global language English can break down trade barriers. With a universal language, the economies of the world can successfully carry out trades and make trade agreements which allow all parties involved an opportunity for success. The conception of a world economy with an official language currency allows for a higher level of competition and gives birth to new ideas that can improve standards of living worldwide. Having an open playing field allows for easier intermingling of ideas that can lead to breakthroughs in every conceivable discipline. New technologies have and continue to narrow the geographical divide. It has never been as easy as it is today to travel around the world and if this momentum continues, connecting with the rest of the world will only get more convenient. Bounds and leaps have been made in the healthcare industry. Medical specialists are making strides in treatment for diseases such as type 1 diabetes with which, as of 2014, approximately 387 million people worldwide have been diagnosed, that is, according to Puneet Chadna MD., a scientist at Tata Memorial Centre, India. With a universal comprehension of the state of the world, a more systematic and compound response to the challenges facing the planet can arise. Oceanic cleanup programmes are not yet present worldwide, but that can change with the effective communication among the world powers. A global language can help to ensure this achievement. With access to a common language, the peoples of the world may communicate with each other more effectively and many misconceptions about different cultures can be rebutted and political tensions could dissipate. One precedent that supports the previous sentence is the use of the English language to disseminate information to various countries during the Second World War. Studies show that humans tend to fear the unknown more than they fear known dangers like heart disease or malaria. There is an extreme fear of the unknown called xenophobia. This is when people have irrational thoughts or beliefs about people or situations that they deem foreign. It is essentially a fear of anything outside of one’s comfort zone. It sometimes leads to pain and suffering on a global level. By having some common ground, by gaining an understanding of the other party, that is through strategic communication, I believe that these atrocities could be mitigated. All in all, the people of the world can be brought closer together. There are endless possibilities for the future of medicine. The fields of education, business and travel can all grow exponentially. If the specialists of these fields have a platform suitable for sharing ideas, the possibilities for the future could be endless. With renewed understanding and a desire for improvement there is no limit to what humanity can achieve through communication in the global language, English.